
Learn more about health, wellness and
ways to take better care of yourself

Learn more about health, wellness and
ways to take better care of yourself

How to Lose Weight, Enhance Your Health and Find Well-Being by Nurturing Your Mind and Body

We all inherently know (but like to forget or choose to ignore) that losing weight is really more about simple mathematics than it is about adhering to the latest dietary craze. Eat more calories than your body burns off, and you’ll start to gain weight. The equation is really just that simple: Too many calories + not enough activity = excess pounds…
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Research Reveals How Stress Can Kill

Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center have found a striking link between your nervous system and your immune system, revealing just how chronic stress may kill you…
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Why Your Face Ages, and How to Avoid Premature Aging

While your eyes may indeed be your window to the world, your face is like the world’s window to you. Just looking at a person’s face, you can easily identify whether they are happy or sad, tired or energetic … young or old…
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Napping … Is it Good for You?

Giving in to a daytime catnap might have been frowned upon in the past, but now new research has put to bed previous nap naysayers. A new study has shown that a little daytime shuteye can actually provide health benefits…
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The Top 10 Slimming Foods

You know how you can put on a couple of pounds by just looking at a cheeseburger and fries? Well, some foods have the opposite effect, helping you burn extra energy – and keep weight off – just by eating them. Better still, these slimming foods do not all taste like grass or rice cakes; these are REAL, delicious and satisfying foods — foods that you might even be craving right now. So go ahead and indulge…
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Shocking Truth: Not All Cholesterol is Bad!

When you think about cholesterol, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you’re like most Americans, it’s probably something negative, like heart disease or giving up eggs for breakfast to keep yours low. But there’s something important you should know, and that is the fact that cholesterol is not a “bad” word … nor is it a “bad” substance in your body. Also, eating eggs isn’t what’s behind your high cholesterol…
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Does Fasting Contribute to Anti-aging and Healthy Lifestyle or Not?

Fasting, or abstaining from some or all food and drink for a certain period of time, has been used for centuries among religious groups looking to gain a greater sense of spirituality. Though still used by many for this purpose (such as during the Muslim observance of Ramadan, and the Jewish observance of Yom Kippur), fasting has emerged as a way to increase your health…
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Are You Unknowingly a Victim of Unnecessary “Adrenal Fatigue”?

Do you feel constantly tired, moody and depressed? Do you wake up feeling tired even after a full night’s rest? Do you crave sugary and salty foods, and depend on your morning coffee just to keep your eyes open? These are all common symptoms of adrenal fatigue – a condition caused, in short, by too much stress and work…
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Good Fats to Feel Better Vs. Fats Causing Depression and Heart Disease

Many Americans are under the impression that “fats” is a four-letter word … a substance that must be shunned in your diet if you want to stay thin and avoid heart disease and other health issues. But this misguided nutritional dogma could actually be putting your health at risk, as all fats are NOT created equal — and, in fact, some fats are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally…
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Tired all the Time? Eight Medical Issues to be to Aware Of!

It’s estimated that 20 percent of Americans feel tired to the point that it interferes with their daily life. This type of overwhelming and chronic fatigue interferes with your ability to enjoy life and feel productive, but why does it happen…
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Strong Obesity and Cancer Link Now Absolutely Confirmed

Excess weight can now officially be added to the growing number of factors that contribute to cancer, according to the UK’s Million Women Study. The study, which included more than 1 million UK women, found that 5 percent of all cancers in the UK — or about 6,000 cases each year — are caused by being overweight or obese…
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Aspirin: What are the Real Benefits, and What are the Real Risks?

The first form of aspirin — today one of the most widely used drugs around — existed all the way back in the 5th century B.C., when the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used willow bark and leaves to relieve pain and reduce fever. It wasn’t until the 1820s, however, that scientists identified the active component in willow bark: salicin…
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Sea Vegetables: Why You Should Eat More of This Delicious Asian Superfood

Sea vegetables, better known as seaweed, are the leafy greens of the sea. Though not technically a vegetable (they’re actually classified as algae), seaweed is loaded with nutrition and has a unique, slightly salty flavor that’s been a staple in Japanese cuisine for more than 10,000 years…
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Eight Activities to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Contrary to popular belief, your mind does not have to slow down as you get older. Instead, you can keep your brain functioning at its highest level just by keeping it in shape, just as your muscles improve when you work them out…
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Stomach Pain? Here are the 9 Most Common Sources and What to Do

Stomach pain is incredibly common, impacting just about everyone at one point or another. Sometimes, such as if you’ve just eaten a giant bowl of spicy chili, the cause is obvious. Others, and more often, you may have no idea what’s causing the pain…
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Is the Junk-Food Gene Making You Crave Fattening Foods? Plus, How to Overcome It

Junk food, fast food, we know it’s all unhealthy, yet we still order takeout and frequent drive-throughs, sometimes several times a week. The top five reasons Americans eat junk food are convenience, availability, no time to cook, it’s quick and affordable — but at what cost to their health…
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Proanthocyanidins: Why this Tannin Keeps Your Arteries Flexible and Blood Pressure Low, and the Best

Proanthocyanidins, a polyphenols extracted from grape seeds, has scientists and nutrition buffs excited. Why? They are antioxidant powerhouse that also appears to provide major heart-healthy benefits. All polyphenols, in fact, are great for your health. They work by scavenging harmful free radicals in your body, and evidence is emerging that these compounds prevent the spread of a number of degenerative conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases…
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The 11 Warning Signals Your Nails are Sending You about Your Health

Many people put a lot of effort into keeping their nails perfectly trimmed, cleaned and manicured. If the nails aren’t perfect, the solution is often to cover them up with fake nails or polish. But ignoring such signs and viewing them as only an aesthetic problem could be dangerous to your health…
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Why You Have an Appendix (Actually, It’s There for a VERY Good Reason)

Your appendix is a 3-1/2 inch long finger-shaped pouch that extends from your large intestine, on the lower right side of your abdomen. For ages it has been thought that the appendix has no real purpose. In fact, even Charles Darwin said the appendix is a “vestigial organ,” or one that has become essentially useless over time — a concept that is still spouted in biology textbooks to this day…
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Anti-Aging Benefits of Strengthening Your Core

Do you run religiously on a treadmill for hours every week? Do you lift weights, too, and assume you’re covering all of your fitness basics? Well you’ve got a good start, but you’re missing out on a very important fitness staple that is a key to your health and longevity: building your core…
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Memory Loss Epidemic: Is Your Memory at Risk? Know Your Risk Factors

As you get older and find yourself misplacing your glasses, forgetting the phone number of a good friend or experiencing a hazy recall of what you did the past weekend, you get those pangs of sudden panic. Is it normal forgetfulness or a sign of something more? Fortunately, these signs of short-term memory loss are a part of the normal aging process and shouldn’t raise flags that your mind is in deterioration mode…
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How a Healthy Diet Can Reduce Violence and Rudeness, and Increase Your I.Q. and Your Children’s I.Q.

Like a taunting teenager, a nosy mother-in-law or a meddling neighbor, food messes with our emotions. A bowl of ice cream can make you happy. An entire carton of ice cream can make you sad. Just the smell of a home-cooked meal when you can’t have one can make you lonesome and a bowl of chicken noodle soup can make you feel better…
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10 Foods that Keep Your Arteries Clean

Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits…
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What Your Order of Birth Suggests About Your Health Destiny

Children have long-been labeled as goal-setters, rebels or spoiled risk-takers depending on their birth order, and some people do, in fact, swear that you can predict a person’s personality according to whether they’re first born, a middle child or the baby of the family…
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Lumps and Bumps to Watch Out For: Detecting Cancer & Other Health Issues

Cancer experts recommend regularly checking your body for lumps or bumps that appear out of the ordinary. Should you discover something that may be, in fact, cancer finding it early will give you the best chance to overcome it. Here’s a breakdown of what to keep an eye out for…
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Ways to Be in Better Condition than when you were in Your Teens and 20s

Your body is always in a state of change; you are either improving or declining your current state of health – and what you do and eat on a “daily basis” greatly influences your decline or improved health plus what quality of life you will have in the future…
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Want to Live Longer? Be Wealthier? And Happier? Here is the One PROVEN Secret Many People Overlook

Many people seek refuge from a hard day by curling up with a good book. Others use reading as a way to pass the time while traveling or waiting for an appointment, while still others read for the pure enjoyment of it. For people who are either casual or prolific readers, most love insightful useful health related articles too which they can pass-along to their loved-ones to help them stay healthy or nurture them back to health…
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11 Power Foods to Boost Your Immunity

You wake up with a scratchy throat, body aches and an overall run-down feeling and immediately begin to think of ways to knock out whatever virus is looming so you can make it to work the next day or enjoy the upcoming weekend with your family. Before heading out the grocery store to pick up some over-the-counter medicine, take a look in your pantry and fridge and make a list of these 11 immunity-building foods for a natural way to get your body back to optimal health…
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Stretching and Exercise: Is Stretching Before Exercise Dangerous?

Most everyone who exercises (even those among us who may not have exercised since our high school gym class) has heard the advice to stretch. Doing so before, after and during your workout, we were told, would help to prevent injuries, reduce sore muscles and help us get a better overall workout…
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How to Sleep Away the Pounds…

You know a sound night of sleep can do wonders for your energy levels, your appearance and even your outlook on life … but did you know it might also be instrumental in keeping you trim? Accumulating research is showing that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for your waistline, and if you’ve been skimping on sleep – even by just an hour or two — it could be making you fat…
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The Antacid Epidemic: The Real Truth Behind the Pills

Every year, millions of Americans are prescribed strong antacids to treat common conditions such as heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis, indigestion among many others. Generic Prilosec, an antacid drug, was actually the sixth most-prescribed drug in the United States in 2010, with over 53 million prescriptions written that year alone (and that does not include over-the-counter sales!)…
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The Truth About Eggs: How to Tell the Good From the Bad

Are they healthy? Are they safe? And are they all created equal? Here we’ll dispel some of the myths about eggs and help you to decipher what your egg labels really mean…including how to choose the highest quality eggs available…
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America’s Consumption of Added Fats and Sugars Continues: How to Avoid it

In the 35 years between 1970 and 2005, Americans began eating 63 percent more added fats and 19 percent more sugar and sweeteners. Also during this time, Americans got fatter. Between 1976 and 1980, 47 percent of the U.S. population was either overweight or obese, but between 2003 and 2004, this percentage increased to nearly 67 percent…
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If You Avoid Eating Glucose You May Actually Live Longer

Glucose, a type of sugar that your body uses for energy, may be the key to living a long life — if you avoid it, that is. Researchers from the University of Jena in Germany discovered some very interesting findings about this simple sugar by observing the lifespan of worms…
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The Seven Top Tips to Feel Full Faster so You Consume Less Calories

Have you ever had a day when your stomach felt like a bottomless pit and that no matter how much you ate, you just didn’t feel full or satisfied? What if there were ways to fill your stomach so that you would feel full faster, yet end up consuming fewer calories overall? Would you try them?…
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8 Secrets to Burn More Fat and Calories

For the 30 percent of U.S. adults (that’s over 60 million people) who suffer from the “Great American Disease” – obesity – there are multiple health risks that are of serious concern. It’s commonly known that being overweight and obese increases the risks of numerous health problems, such as these, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…
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Cholesterol Deceptions: From Eggs to Statins – What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Cholesterol

Over 16 percent of U.S. adults have high cholesterol, defined as 240 mg/dL and above, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even the average level for Americans, 200 mg/dL, is borderline high, they say…
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Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose: What’s the Difference Between These Sugars…and Which is the Worst for Your Health?

The sugar in your soda and other favorite sugary treats may all go down sweetly, but a groundbreaking new study found they act very differently once in your body. Researchers from the University of California, Davis compared glucose and fructose consumption among 32 overweight or obese people and found they resulted in very different health changes…
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Neck Pain Studies Show What Can Work BETTER than Drugs and Painkillers

Neck pain is an all-too-common complaint heard in doctors’ offices, and while many patients expect to be given advice about over-the-counter medications or a prescription for a narcotic to relieve their symptoms, this may not be the most effective approach to treatment. The results of a new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine found that chiropractic adjustments or exercises are a safe and effective alternative for neck pain…
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Can You “Catch” Obesity? Experts Discuss the Theory That Obesity is Contagious

About one-third of U.S. adults, and 16 percent of children and teens, are currently obese, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And while it’s known that obesity increases your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and even cancer, what’s not entirely known are all of the causes…
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Why You NEED to Understand Oxidative Stress – and How to Avoid It

Oxidative stress is now recognized as a leading cause of chronic disease and aging. It occurs when free radicals – toxic oxygen molecules produced by normal body processes but also via external sources like stress and pollution – spiral out of control…
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Candida: How to Recognize and Overcome Yeast Overgrowth (a Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)

Candida Albicans is a single-cell fungi that lives, often harmlessly, on your skin and in your intestines (and, women, in your vagina). However, as part of the family of yeasts, candida cells can multiply rapidly and if your system is out of balance it can easily grow out of control…
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Household Chlorine Dangers: How You are Being Exposed

Chlorine is one of the most commonly manufactured chemicals in the United States. In gas form, chlorine is poisonous and was actually used during World War I as a choking agent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can recognize chlorine gas by its pungent, bleach-like odor that sometimes hovers around indoor swimming pools…
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Does Eating Meat Increase Your Risk of Dying? What the Evidence Reveals

Asking a meat lover to give up burgers and steaks is likely to evoke some powerful opposition, just as asking a vegetarian to sit down to a plate of meatballs would. Yet, increasing evidence appears to be confirming that eating a meat heavy diet may, indeed, be bad for your health…
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Papaya: The Delicious Powerhouse Fruit that Can Help Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer

Papaya is a sweet, tropical fruit that originated in Central America. Today, though, its popularity has made it easily accessible throughout the United States (which, along with Mexico and Puerto Rico, is now one of the biggest commercial producers of the fruit). Aside from bringing a delectable taste of the tropics to your table, papayas are one of the healthiest fruits out there. They’re rich in vitamin C (one serving will give you close to a three-day supply!), folate, potassium, fiber, and vitamins A, E and K, along with antioxidant flavonoids…
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Simple Methods to Prevent
Age-Related Weight Gain

Sometime between the ages of 40 and 50, both men and women tend to have increased difficulty staying slim. For women, weight gain usually coincides with menopause or the years leading up to menopause. Changing hormone levels during this time may result in weight gain of about a pound a year. Meanwhile, these changes can encourage fat to accumulate around your abdomen, instead of your hips and things…
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11 Rare Diseases You’ve Never Heard Of

In the United States, a disease is generally considered rare if it occurs in less than 200,000 people. Those who suffer from these so-called “orphan” diseases often go undiagnosed for years, and then are left with little to go on in terms of treatment, known causes and cures…
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Cadmium Poisoning, which Can Harm Your Kidneys and Reduce Your Bone Density, Surprisingly High

There was both good and bad news in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) monumental “Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.” Good news first. The study, which CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding says is the “largest and most comprehensive report of its kind ever released anywhere by anyone,” found that secondhand smoke exposure among Americans has gone down significantly, as have lead blood levels in children…
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The Remarkable Anti-Toxin, Cancer-Fighting Power of Cruciferous Vegetables

While cruciferous vegetables–broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens and more–may be top on the list of veggies kids loathe, when it comes to nutrition, these vegetables are definitely on the A-list. What makes them so incredibly healthy is their potent cancer-fighting compounds, which help detoxify carcinogens in the body and may prevent healthy cells from morphing into cancerous ones…
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Six Cancer Screenings That Could Save Your Life Including Cervical Cancer

The American Cancer Society has estimated that 745,180 men and 692,000 women will have cancer this year in the United States. Of those cases, the most common are cancers of the skin, prostate cancer in men, breast and uterine-related cancers in women, lung, and colon and rectum — in both men and women…
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10 Studies on How Vitamin E Saves Your Life from the Inside Out

Most people have heard of vitamin E, and you probably also know that it acts as a powerful antioxidant in your body, helping to ward off free radical damage. What you may not know, however, is just how far-reaching this vitamin’s effect on your health may be … and that there’s a good chance you are not getting enough — or the right kinds — from dietary sources alone…
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The Five Healthiest Beverages You Can Drink

When you’re feeling parched and need to quench your thirst, the beverage you choose can make a big difference to your health. And while most of us know that soda and other sweet drinks are not the healthiest choices around, which beverages are truly health-promoting remains more of a mystery…
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Good Fats to Feel Better Vs. Fats Causing Depression and Heart Disease

Many Americans are under the impression that “fats” is a four-letter word … a substance that must be shunned in your diet if you want to stay thin and avoid heart disease and other health issues. But this misguided nutritional dogma could actually be putting your health at risk, as all fats are NOT created equal — and, in fact, some fats are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally…
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5 Common Knee Problems and How to Prevent and Treat Them

Knee pain sends many Americans to the doctor’s office every year. In fact, nearly half of Americans (47 percent) experienced knee (or lower back) pain in the past year, according to a survey by Dr. Scholl’s…
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Allergy Alert: Are You Really Sick or Are Your Illnesses Actually Caused by Your Food?

In a world chocked full of chemically enhanced and processed foods, it’s getting harder and harder to tell what really is going into your body. Even some of the biggest brands out there are stretching the truth when it comes to what they do and don’t put in their “natural” foods…
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Positive Psychology: How to Feel Happy Even if You’re in a Gloomy Place in Life

Job loss, layoffs, companies closing their doors, drops in the stock market and home foreclosures are now daily topics in the media, making it more and more difficult for Americans to uphold a positive attitude…
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Stuffed Up Sinuses, Congestion, Headaches, Hard to Concentrate?

Americans suffer from 1 billion colds a year, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. There are also nearly 32 million cases of chronic sinusitis reported by health care providers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention every year…
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People With Super Memories Remember Nearly Every Detail of Their Lives…A Blessing or a Curse?

People with super memories are able to recall, in detail, nearly every day of their lives. They can recall with stunning accuracy events that occurred on dates decades earlier, or name the exact dates and day of the week upon which major events have occurred…
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Good Posture: The Important Health Benefits of – and Keys to – Good Posture

“Sit up straight” and “Put your shoulders back” have been two of parents’ favorite mantras for eons. And, as you may suspect, this is one case where mother and father really do know best. Having good posture (which does indeed incorporate sitting up straight and putting your shoulders back) is very important for your health….
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Napping…Is it Good for You?

Giving in to a daytime catnap might have been frowned upon in the past, but now new research has put to bed previous nap naysayers. A new study has shown that a little daytime shuteye can actually provide health benefits. According to a past issue of the Harvard Health Letter, catching a daytime nap is a good way to catch up on the sleep you lose at night, sleep that may become more difficult as you age due to natural age-related decline in the quality of your nighttime sleep…
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Cholesterol and Heart Disease MYTHS! What Can You Do to Prevent this Killer Naturally?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for more than one in every four deaths. Each year, 785,000 Americans have a first heart attack, while another 470,000 have a second (or third, etc.), which amounts to one heart attack occurring every 34 seconds, according to CDC statistics…
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Overactive Bladder: When is a Lot Too Much, What are the Possible Causes and What Should You Do?

More than 17 million Americans suffer from overactive bladder, according to the American Medical Women’s Association. Though it typically affects men that are over the age of 65, women may start to experience symptoms in their mid-40s. What exactly is overactive bladder? It stems from a problem with bladder function that causes you to feel a strong, urgent need to urinate. This can lead to incontinence, frequent urination (eight or more times in 24 hours) and waking during the night to urinate (usually two or more times)…
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5 Top Diabetes Myths, Busted!

There are many myths surrounding the medical condition diabetes, making it very difficult for people to decipher between the untruths and the facts. Some of the myths create a disturbing and scary picture of diabetes that lead to an overwhelming negative stigma underlined with false information. Below are five of the top myths on diabetes, each followed by the actual research-supported facts…
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How a Faulty Circadian Rhythm Negatively Impacts Your Health (and What to Do to Make It Right)

Your circadian rhythm, or your body’s internal clock, regulates numerous biological processes that take place in your body throughout the day and night. Your biological clock regulates what time you go to sleep and wake up, and it also has profound impacts on other areas of your physical and mental health, such as your metabolism, sleep, weight, and risk of diseases and mood disorders…
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Eating Red Meat: Once and for All, Is it Bad for You or Good for You?

Whether or not red meat can be included as part of a healthy diet is one of the most hotly debated topics in the nutrition field. From a purely health-minded perspective (there are those, of course, who choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons) the conventional and naturalist camps are clearly divided…
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Are Your Kids Trying the Fake and Often 100% Legal Marijuana?

It’s known as “K2,” Spice,” Genie” and “Zohai,” and although it’s now banned in Kansas, Kentucky and Alabama, this “fake” form of marijuana is perfectly legal to buy in the rest of the country, including online. K2, also known as “fake marijuana,” has been on the market since 2006, sold as a form of incense or potpourri at a cost of up to $35 an ounce. Kids, however, are smoking the fake pot to get high…
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Smoke or Used to Smoke? The Healthiest Foods to Prevent Lung Cancer and Other Smoker’s Diseases

Nearly 21 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, and countless others have smoked at some point in their life. This habit continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the country, causing about one out of every five deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…
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Drug-Free Pain Relief: 8 Non-Drug Tactics to Eliminate Back, Joint & Other Pain

For the majority of Americans, pain — either chronic or the kind that comes and goes — is a way of life. More than half of us suffer from physical pain, which means that if you were to stop someone randomly on the street and ask “Are you in pain?” chances are high that they’d say yes…
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The Turnip: Nutrition, Uses and Some Interesting Lore of “One of the Most Important Vegetables”

Turnips have been enjoyed since ancient times, when they were cultivated nearly 4,000 years ago in the Near East. This round, apple-sized vegetable was prized by the Greeks and the Romans, and was even called one of the most important vegetables of the time by ancient author Pliny the Elder…
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Iodine Deficiency and Breast Cancer: Is a Deficiency in This Vital Mineral the Cause?

The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer has been increasing dramatically in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breast cancer is now the second most common cancer found in U.S. women and is the number one cause of cancer-related death in Hispanic women…
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Pain in the Wrist? Try This Trigger Point Self-Test

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic wrist pain that can range from tingling, to throbbing, to sharp and piercing. The incidence of wrist pain (and hand pain) has been the most common complaint involving the upper extremities ever since we all started spending so much time using computers (and therefore keyboards and mice), according to the American Academy of Family Physicians…
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Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia Sufferers…

About 10 million people in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia, a syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain, sleep disturbances, fatigue and, often, psychological distress as a result. Of them, about 75-90 percent are women, according to the National Fibromyalgia Association (NFA)…
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Back Pain: The Nine Most Common Sources of It and Natural Steps to Remedy It

Back pain is extremely common, with four out of five adults facing it at least once during their lives, according to the Mayo Clinic. And a nationwide phone survey of over 1,200 Americans, sponsored by Stanford University Medical Center, ABC News and USA Today, found that back pain was the most common type of pain reported (followed by knee and shoulder pain, joint pain and headaches)…
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Grapes: A Primer on the Different Varieties, Healthiest Types & Other Important Grape Facts

Grapes have been a part of human civilization since ancient times. They’re mentioned in biblical stories as “the fruit of the vine,” are featured in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and were treasured for winemaking in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations…
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Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disease: How to Avoid Foods that are Harmful toYour Thyroid

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It releases hormones that control metabolism (how your body gets energy from the food you eat), and if this process becomes disrupted it can lead to weight gain or loss, heart disease, osteoporosis, infertility and, in rare cases, even coma and death…
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How Juices and Soda Create Major Health Problems

Depending on what part of the United States you’re from you may call it soda, pop or a soft drink, but universally it can be referred to as the worst beverage choice you can make. You won’t get any nutritional value from this fizzy drink, but what you will get are caffeine, carbonation, simple sugars, fructose or, even worse, sugar substitutes along with food additives such as artificial coloring, flavoring and preservatives…
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The 6 Most Unhealthy Foods
You Should Avoid at All Costs

Some people swear by the mantra “everything in moderation,” but the truth is, some foods, no matter how good they taste, are better off left alone. If you need a little motivation to stay away from these most unhealthy foods, consider that four of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States are related to diet (diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke). And if you’re looking to improve yours, cutting back on these six foods is a great place to start…
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Health Clues: Heart Concerns to Look For

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 26 percent of deaths each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Further, each year 785,000 Americans will have a first heart attack, while another 470,000 will have a second (or third, fourth, etc.) attack…
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Research Reveals How Stress Can Kill

Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center have found a striking link between your nervous system and your immune system, revealing just how chronic stress may kill you. The researchers found that the same part of your nervous system that is responsible for the fight-or-flight stress response (the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)) also controls regulatory T cells, which are used by your body to end an immune response once the threatening foreign invader has been destroyed…
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Hold the Copper: Accelerated Mental
Decline and Other Risks of a Diet

Copper is an essential trace mineral in the body, and is more abundant in humans than all but two other trace minerals (iron and zinc). Its primary role is to help enzymes function properly, which means it’s involved in a range of the body’s processes, namely: Iron utilization; Elimination of free radicals; Development of bone and connective tissue; and Production of melanin, a skin and hair pigment. Still, the amount of copper that the body needs is small – less than the amount in a penny – and studies are finding that too much copper can lead to a number of health problems…
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How to Lose Weight, Enhance
Your Health and Find Well-Being by
Nurturing Your Mind and Body

We all inherently know (but like to forget or choose to ignore) that losing weight is really more about simple mathematics than it is about adhering to the latest dietary craze. Eat more calories than your body burns off, and you’ll start to gain weight. The equation is really just that simple: Too many calories + not enough activity = excess pounds…
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The Top 10 Slimming Foods

You know how you can put on a couple of pounds by just looking at a cheeseburger and fries? Well, some foods have the opposite effect, helping you burn extra energy – and keep weight off – just by eating them. Better still, these slimming foods do not all taste like grass or rice cakes; these are REAL, delicious and satisfying foods – foods that you might even be craving right now. So go ahead and indulge. With food options like these it’s easy to eat right… and lose weight while you’re at it…
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Ways to Be in Better Condition than
when you were in Your Teens and 20s?

Your body is always in a state of change; you are either improving or declining your current state of health … and what you do and eat on a “daily basis” greatly influences your decline or improved health plus what quality of life you will have in the future…
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Stress Now Proven to Cause
Weight Gain in Women

Stress is as much a part of American culture as a cheeseburger and fries… and it can be just as risky to your health. Even if you aren’t facing any major troubles, just going about your daily routine – getting the kids ready for school, driving to the office, trying to hook up phone service, etc. – can expose you to loads of it…
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The Amazing Cancer Prevention
Health Benefits of Parsley, or,
“Hey, I Shouldn’t Be Just a Table Garn”

Parsley is an easy-to-use, incredibly flavorful, nutrition powerhouse, yet, it is often regarded as a “throw-away” garnish on dinner plates. Derived from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (because it’s related to celery), parsley has been cultivated for 2,000 years, and was used medicinally long before that…
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16 Interesting Facts About America’s
Most Popular Fruit…Bananas

Bananas are not only America’s #1 fruit, they may also have been the first fruit on earth, according to the International Banana Association, which notes that banana plants have been in cultivation since history has been recorded…
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The Healing and Strengthening Power of Touch

The power of touch is displayed perhaps no more poignantly than during the first few months of life. Babies who are not hugged and held during these first months will not thrive and grow like their cuddled peers. In fact, a study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that infants who were held, snuggled and touched had better mental and motor skills than those who were not…
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Eating and Exercise: Should You Eat After
Exercising? Before? How Long and What?

Many of us grew up with the strict advice to wait at least one hour after eating to go swimming — or else we’d be stricken with severe cramps and inevitably sink to the bottom. Now that we’re grown, many of us are still holding on to the notion that we shouldn’t eat anything before we exercise. Meanwhile, many of us don’t take the time to stop and eat something after we workout either, but should we…
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Want to Dream Away Your Problems

“Sleeping on it” has long been one of the best pieces of advice when faced with a difficult decision or a complex problem. A good night’s sleep has a way of helping us sort through our options and identify solutions that were invisible to us the day before…
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High Cholesterol? 12 Top Non-Drug
Strategies to Increase Your HDL Levels

Think you’ve heard it all when it comes to cholesterol? Well, even the most cholesterol-savvy among us may be in for a surprise… it turns out that perhaps the most important aspect has to do with making sure you have enough of it – the good kind, that is…
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How Does the Way You
Think Impact Your Health?

“Disease cannot live in a body that’s in a healthy emotional state,” at least, so says author Bob Proctor in the film, “The Secret.” “The Secret” – which was not being shown in theaters, but rather was spread through a viral, grassroots marketing campaign – discussed a centuries-old principle that has earned a “new-age” reputation…
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10 Top Foods to Help You Fight High Cholesterol

Close to 107 million U.S. adults have cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher, a level that the American Heart Association says increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. At least 12 million of these people are taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol levels, but there are more natural options out there…
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Shocking Truth: Not All Cholesterol is Bad!

When you think about cholesterol, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you’re like most Americans, it’s probably something negative, like heart disease or giving up eggs for breakfast to keep yours low…
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Garlic: The Five Top Health Benefits of the Delicious but Pungent Natural Miracle

It’s the subject of countless festivals, ancient folklore and entire cookbooks, and is a flavor that people either love or hate. Garlic – the beloved small vegetable, or “stinking rose,” that’s been cultivated for over 5,000 years – is not only tasty, it’s incredibly good for you…
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Is Your Mood Adding Inches to Your Waistline?

Most of us are all too well aware that overeating, eating junk food and not exercising are sure to expand our belt buckles another notch. But weight gain is not always so cut and dry. Oftentimes you may carefully watch what you eat, load your plate full of fruits and veggies, even exercise regularly … and still not win the battle of the bulge…
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How a Healthy Diet Can Reduce Violence
and Rudeness, and Increase Your I.Q.
and Your Children’s I.Q.

Like a taunting teenager, a nosy mother-in-law or a meddling neighbor, food messes with our emotions. A bowl of ice cream can make you happy. An entire carton of ice cream can make you sad. Just the smell of a home-cooked meal when you can’t have one can make you lonesome and a bowl of chicken noodle soup can make you feel better…
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The 7 (Honest) Facts You Should Know
About Losing Thigh Fat, Gut Fat,
and Fat in Other “Problem” Are

That stubborn fat around hips, buttocks and thighs for women, and the belly and side “love handles” for men, is every dieter’s biggest adversary. It is the last 10 pounds to go, and it is always the hardest to lose. There are several theories why that stubborn fat is stored in different places for men and women. Some say it’s genetic. Your body stores fat where there are fat cells, and for most of us they concentrate on the upper and lower midsection. Exactly where the fat goes may depend on the lipoprotein lipase, which is an enzyme necessary for fat storage…
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The Vitamin D Deficiency Factor in: Diseases, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Much More!

There is probably a reason you have never been told the straight truth about one of the most natural, potent, yet overlooked healing nutrients in the world. The fact is that many medical groups and product manufacturers have spent billions over the past 30 years convincing you to avoid this “nutrient” by trying (and succeeding) to scare you into thinking it causes cancer…
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Most People With Gluten Intolerance
Don’t Know They Have It!

Gluten intolerance, which includes celiac disease, is a digestive disorder that is triggered by the consumption of any foods that contain gluten – a protein found in several common foods that contain wheat, barley or rye such as bread, pasta, cookies and pizza crust…
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The Number of Approved Meat
Additives have Continued to be Expanded
by the FDA – and No Additives

There are over 3,000 substances currently added to foods, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While some of these are common household items you likely use regularly (salt, baking soda, sugar, etc.) others are complex chemicals you’ve likely never heard of…
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Trans Fat’s Strong Link to Cancer, Diabetes & Heart Disease, and How to Avoid It

Trans fatty acid, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, a process called hydrogenation. Many manufacturers use this process of hydrogenation because it reduces cost and increases the shelf life and flavor stability of their food…
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Some Startling Stress and Anxiety Statistics and What You Can Do to Eliminate Your High-Stress

A full 43 percent of U.S. adults suffer adverse health effects from stress, according to an American Psychological Association (APA) study. Problems at work are more strongly associated with health problems than any other life stressor, including financial or family problems. Not only does stress and anxiety interfere with your immune system, making you vulnerable to illnesses like the flu, it impairs your body’s ability to respond to its anti-inflammatory signals, putting you at an increased risk of allergies, autoimmune diseases and heart disease…
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Is Sitting Bad for Your Health…and Waistline?
What the Surprising Research Reveals

As you read this, you’re probably sitting – a motion done by all of us countless times a day. We sit to eat, to work, to relax, to converse, to socialize…to engage in infinite moments of our lives. Sitting for too long may contribute to heart disease, diabetes and obesity! Yet as research would have it, this very simple and often necessary act could be insidiously harmful to your health in a surprising number of ways…
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What are the Best and
Worst Cooking Oils for You?

Once you’ve made a commitment to healthier eating, cooking more of your meals at home and paying attention to healthy cooking methods becomes important. After all, even the most nutritious meal can be sabotaged if you fry it or douse it in trans-fat-laden oil…
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Can Joints and Knees that Ache
Really Predict a Change in the Weather?

Arthritis patients and joint pain sufferers have been claiming to be more reliable in predicting the weather than the local weather forecaster for ages. You’ve heard it before as someone grabs hold of their knee exclaiming, “It’s going to rain today. I can feel it!” So should you trust aches and pains when planning your outdoor picnic, or is this just another old wives’ tale with no real merit…
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The 6 Most Dangerous Home-Based
Causes of Disease and Illnesses

Your home is your haven, but inside even the most pristine of houses lurk hidden dangers that can cause disease and illness to you and your family. What makes these home-based toxins so dangerous is that often you can’t tell they’re there until it’s too late and you’re already sick. That is, of course, unless you know where and how to look…
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Too Much Sitting May Increase
Your Risk of Chronic Disease

These days you likely hear a lot about sedentary lifestyles, and how this inactivity can lead to obesity and all of its related problems. But what you may not realize is that the word “sedentary” comes from the Latin word “sedere,” which means “to sit.” Sitting too much can interfere with your metabolism and weight, and may contribute to heart disease. Being sedentary could actually be described as any behavior during which energy expenditure is low, which always applies to prolonged periods of sitting at home, at work, during your commute and even during your leisure time…
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All Soap is Not Created Equal: The Health and Beauty Benefits of Natural Vs. Synthetic Soap

When you lather up with bar or liquid soap, you’re counting on that soap to remove dirt and germs from your body while gently cleansing your skin. You certainly wouldn’t expect that very same soap to contain ingredients that could potentially cause far more damage than the germs you’re attempting to remove … yet if you use many commercial soaps, that is precisely what you’re getting…
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Artificial Colors: Is the “Secret Shame” of the Food Industry Harming Your Children?

Artificial colors are among the most questionable food additives there are, yet despite their potential health risks they’re added to countless food products ranging from candy and soda to breakfast cereal and sausage. Decades ago in 1955, it was deemed safe for people to ingest 12 mg food dye per day. By 2007, that amount had reached 59 mg per person, per day, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – a level nearly five times greater than initially was approved and the number continues to increase…
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10 Top Causes of Prostate Cancer
and How to Avoid Them

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men (skin cancer is the first), according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). In just one year, nearly 219,000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected in the United States, and over 27,000 men will die from the disease…
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The Nearly Unbelievable Prevalence
of Corn: What You Didn’t Realize
“It’s In” Will Astound You

Take a drive through one of the still undeveloped regions in the Midwest and you’re sure to see it: acre after acre of corn crops, which around this time are just beginning to sprout. It’s a peaceful scene; one that conjures images of lazy summer days and side-of-the-road fruit stands. But all of that corn comes at a price, which we’ll explain later…
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U.S. Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise: How to Avoid This Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness

Lyme disease, a tick-borne illness that can cause rash, body aches and even temporary paralysis, has been growing in the United States. In the most recent year for which data is available, 27,444 cases of Lyme disease were reported compared to under 9,000 in 1993. Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried primarily by black-legged ticks (also known as deer ticks). If an infected tick bites you (ticks feed on blood and will attach to a host, including mice, cats, dogs or humans), it can transfer the bacteria through your skin and into your bloodstream…
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How Clutter Kills Your Emotions,
Energy & More, and What to Do

Most of us clean our homes regularly, but when was the last time you cleaned out your home’s clutter? Clutter can be anything from stacks of mail taking over your kitchen table to too many toiletries under your bathroom sink. Clutter takes the form of leftover Christmas wrapping paper and bows that you’re saving for next year to those coffee mugs your friends brought you from their trip to Disney World, which you just can’t get rid of…
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Aspirin: What are the Real Benefits,
What are the Real Risks?

The first form of aspirin – today one of the most widely used drugs around — existed all the way back in the 5th century B.C., when the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used willow bark and leaves to relieve pain and reduce fever. It wasn’t until the 1820s, however, that scientists identified the active component in willow bark: salicin…
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The Seven Top Tips to Feel Full
Faster so You Consume Less Calories

Have you ever had a day when your stomach felt like a bottomless pit and that no matter how much you ate, you just didn’t feel full or satisfied? What if there were ways to fill your stomach so that you would feel full faster, yet end up consuming fewer calories overall? Would you try them? Well, there’s good news. There are a number of healthy “tricks” you can use to feel full faster, meaning you’re less likely to overeat, take in too many calories and ultimately gain weight…
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The 10 Most Germ-Infested Places in Public

If you’ve used an elevator, shared a pen or grabbed a snack from a vending machine today, more than likely you’ve already come into contact with illness-causing germs. In fact, some of the dirtiest places in public are seemingly innocent, yet because they’re used often and rarely cleaned, they harbor a host of potential pathogens…
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Do You Have Arthritis? Here is the Latest on What Experts Know – and Don’t Yet Know

Arthritis, the leading cause of disability in the United States, manifests in more than 100 different forms, the most common being osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. It’s estimated that this painful disease affects one in five Americans, or a total of 46 million people, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As the population ages, these numbers are expected to keep rising. By 2030, experts believe 67 million people will have arthritis…
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Could You Be Unknowingly an Antibiotic Addict?

Each year more than 133 million prescriptions for antibiotics are given to non-hospitalized patients. Of them, 50 percent are estimated to be unnecessary because they’re prescribed for colds, coughs and other illnesses caused by viruses. Antibiotics are useless against viruses like upper respiratory infections, measles, mumps, chickenpox, flu, and gastroenteritis, yet many people expect to get a prescription for the drugs when they visit their doctor…
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Why Happiness is Your
Most Important Health Tool

What can happiness do for you? The Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania has uncovered some intriguing facts about happiness. For instance, people who are happy: Do better at work, school and sports; Are less depressed; Have fewer physical health problems; and Have better relationships…
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Sleep Apnea: The Silent Killer That
Can Raise Your Death Risk 46 Percent

Some 18 million adult Americans have some degree of sleep apnea, but most haven’t been diagnosed or received treatment, according to statistics from the National Sleep Foundation.. This is concerning when considering a recent study revealed that men between the ages of 40-70 with severe sleep apnea were at twice the risk of dying from a variety of health conditions as men without the disorder, in the same age bracket and in good health…
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Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Get a Shocking Look at the Inside World of the U.S. Food System. The American food system is in crisis, plagued with an industrial mentality that puts profits ahead of the people it is supposed to nourish. In response, the first of two much-needed films on the topic…
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Is Your Rx Harming You?

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. Generally, if your total cholesterol level is 240 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher, or your LDL (bad) cholesterol is 130 mg/dL or higher, you may be considered a candidate for statin drugs…
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The Surprising Nutrition Content
of 10 Very Common Foods

After gobbling up more than your fair share of a “bloomin’ onion,” devouring an entire jumbo tub of movie theater popcorn or wolfing down more than one bowl of pastel-colored marshmallow sugar-puff cereal, most people would rather not know what was really in it. The calories, the fat, the sodium … who really wants to know…
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Add “Sea Vegetables: Why You Should
Eat More of This Delicious Asian Superfood

Sea vegetables, better known as seaweed, are the leafy greens of the sea. Though not technically a vegetable (they’re actually classified as algae), seaweed is loaded with nutrition and has a unique, slightly salty flavor that’s been a staple in Japanese cuisine for more than 10,000 years…
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9 Causes of Fat Gain (Not One Being Food)

Have you heard people say they just can’t lose weight even when they nearly starve themselves? Ever felt that way yourself? A large number of Americans struggle to lose weight every day, despite adhering to healthy diets and regular exercise programs. So what is really going on? While diet and exercise are certainly the two biggest factors, and eating healthy and exercising will result in weight loss for the majority of people who try them, for some it’s just not enough…
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Depression: Some Astounding
Statistics and What You Should do
if You or a Loved One is Confronting It

Americans are becoming increasingly depressed, and have been since at least the 1950s. Back in 1905, for instance, just 1 percent of Americans suffered from depression by age 75. Fast-forward to 1955, and 6 percent were depressed – by the age of 24, according to research by Dr. Myrna Weissman of the New York State Psychiatric Institute…
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Excessive Inner-Hygiene: Dangers of Killing Good Bacteria You Need to Stay Healthy

Your body’s immune system is built to fight off bacteria, germs, viruses, parasites and disease. And for centuries it has been doing just that, getting naturally exposed to germs in the environment and getting a workout by fighting them off…
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Simple Tips for Overcoming Urinary
Tract Infections Safely and Naturally

Up to 60 percent of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives. UTIs are one of the most common reasons why women visit their healthcare professionals and women are 10 times more likely to get a UTI than men. With an estimated 150 million cases in the world each year, the resulting healthcare cost is around $6 billion, not to mention the lost time from work and other normal activities…
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Are You Sleep Deprived? It Could be
Affecting Your Decisions in a Very Bad Way

Do you know anyone with a newborn baby? Or a loved one who has said they just can’t get to sleep at night? This article could be very much appreciated by someone with challenges sleeping…
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All About Beets: Why They Can’t be Beat
for Your Health, Plus Tasty Recipes

The next time you visit your favorite European restaurant and your waitress asks you, “chicken dumpling or Borscht soup,” think twice before answering as you may be missing out on some tasty health benefits in a bowl – beets….
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Is the Junk-Food Gene Making You Crave Fattening Foods? Plus, How to Overcome It

Junk food, fast food, we know it’s all unhealthy, yet we still order takeout and frequent drive-throughs, sometimes several times a week. The top five reasons Americans eat junk food are convenience, availability, no time to cook, it’s quick and affordable – but at what cost to their health…
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Is it Better to Exercise to Music?

Exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, plus it may Lower blood pressure, Promote healthy blood sugar levels, Boost the immune system, Increase levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, Improve your mood and lower your chances of depression and Promote healthy bone density. Yet despite knowing this, most Americans – seven out of 10 of us, in fact – do not exercise regularly…
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ADHD: Where There’s No Cause, No
Need for a Cure? Know Your Risk Factors

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric childhood disorders, affecting nearly 10 percent of children in the United States. Contrary to past beliefs that once a child with ADHD enters their adult years they simple “outgrow” their symptoms, research has shown that symptoms continue to affect everyday life well into adulthood…
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Seven Top Tips to Look and Be Incredibly Beautiful and Healthy Inside and Out, Naturally

To get the healthy glow, bright eyes, smooth skin and captivating smile you’ve always wanted, the secret lies within – yourself that is. Real beauty does not come from slathering on expensive creams or makeup, or spending your life savings on plastic surgery. Real beauty, the kind that emanates from within and is capable of stopping people in their tracks, comes from the inside out…
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Perio-Cardio Diseases:
Top Causes and Prevention

When it comes to staying healthy, you might not have a regular dentist check-up high on your list of priorities, especially if you don’t have any pain or problems. But medical studies have shown that there is a definite connection between oral health and heart health, and poor dental health can cause other medical conditions as well…
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The Top 10 Allergy Capitals of the
United States: Where You may NOT
want to Live if You Have Allergies

In the United States, 60 million people — or one out of four Americans — suffer from allergies and asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Allergies are actually the 5th leading chronic disease in the United States, and the 3rd most common chronic disease among children under 18…
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Are Certain Foods about to Make
Your Spring Allergies Worse?

Do you suffer from hay fever or other seasonal allergies yet find that when you eat certain fresh fruits and vegetables, you get a strange, tingly, itchy sensation in your mouth? If so, you could have food-pollen allergy syndrome, also known as oral allergy syndrome…
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What Exactly is in Every Breath You Take?
Pieces of Bugs, Stars and Much More

You take an average of 24,000 breaths every day. This amounts to about 2 gallons of air taken into your body every minute, and almost 3,000 gallons every day. While you may typically think of “air” as oxygen, this vital gas makes up only a small portion of the gaseous mix you inhale…
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Overactive Bladder: When is a
Lot Too Much, What are the Possible
Causes and What Should You Do?

More than 17 million Americans suffer from overactive bladder, according to the American Medical Women’s Association. Though it typically affects men that are over the age of 65, women may start to experience symptoms in their mid-40s…
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The Powerful Influencing Effect
of People’s Faces On Other’s Behavior

A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but what a face can do is apparently priceless. Princeton researchers discovered that people might make fast, subconscious decisions based solely on appearance at times when it was thought the decisions were based on more rational measures…
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Choline Found in Eggs May Help Lower Heart Disease, Cancer & Dementia Risk

Choline is a B vitamin that has only within the past decade begun to receive attention. The body does make (small amounts) of choline on its own, but diet is a major source of the nutrient. However, as Americans’ diets are often inadequate (and based on too many junk foods), scientists realized that some people are at risk of choline deficiency, and a recommended daily intake was established in 1998…
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The USDA Now Encouraging Consumer Psychology Tactics in Order to Eat Healthier

In the never-ending struggle of right versus wrong, the proverbial angel on our shoulders seems to be losing out to the devil. Case in point, although 90 percent of consumers said they knew that diet and exercise impacts their health, most still make fairly poor choices when it comes to the food they eat…
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The Serious Health Risks of Loneliness
and The Healing Power of Friendship

“No man is an island,” wrote English poet John Donne all the way back in the 17th century — yet now, in the 21st, people may be more socially isolated than ever before. This is not, as it was once, due to distant locations or plagues that wipe out entire communities. It is a new type of loneliness that has emerged even as we are surrounded by cities full of people…
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From “Free Range” to “Grass Fed:” What the Popular Healthy Food Phrases Really Mean

Whether on a package of eggs in your grocery store or listed on a menu in your favorite restaurant, words like “free-range,” “grass-fed,” “natural,” and “organic” are everywhere these days. Most of these labels sound quite good and healthy, but what does it really mean when you order “wild game” or “pasture-raised” chicken?…
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The Dangers of Junk Sleep, and
What You Can Do About It

Parents of teenagers are likely familiar with the array of media outlets – iPads, TV, cell phones, stereos, video games and computers – that many teens are glued to at all hours of the day. The lure of these electronics may be damaging kids’ health, causing them to not get enough sleep, nor enough quality sleep, according to a poll of 1,000 teens conducted by the Sleep Council…
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Salivary Health Risk Clues
and Biomarker Testing

Saliva is not just any old “fluid” — it has many functions within your mouth. For instance, it helps to clean your mouth, digest food and fight decay. Saliva also contains a vast number of proteins, peptides, electrolytes, nucleic acids and hormones that support many important functions of oral health, including providing antibacterial activity…
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All About Absinthe: Its History,
Effects, Laws and More in Brief

In late 19th-century Europe and early 20th-century United States, absinthe was all the rage. This 140-proof, bitter-tasting green liqueur was fancied by artists, poets and intellectuals alike. Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gaugin, Pablo Picasso, Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire, and Edgar Allan Poe all fondly partook in “the green fairy.”…
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AGE Issues: Why You Want to Reduce
“Advanced Glycation End” Foods in Your Diet

When you eat too much sugar, your blood glucose becomes elevated, leading to a host of problems. Among them, the excess sugar in your bloodstream can react with proteins and lipids (fatty substances) in your body, leading to the formation of highly toxic Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)…
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Six Ways to Avoid Getting Sick

A stuffy nose, sinus pressure, chills and sweats, aches and pains…nobody likes getting sick, and colds, flu and other nasty viruses going around Is there anything you can do to help stave off germs and stay healthy? Fortunately, yes. The tips that follow will help you to avoid getting sick…
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Heavy Metal Toxicity: Signs and
Symptoms That You May be Toxic

Over the past 50 years human exposure to heavy metal toxins has risen dramatically. Each day we are exposed to some kind of heavy metal toxin whether it is the air, the water we drink or the food we eat. Chronic exposure to these dangerous toxins come from the mercury-amalgam fillings we get from our dental visits, lead in paint and tap water, chemical residues found in processed foods and toxins in personal care products, among others…
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The Six Hot Tub Health Risks
You Need to be Aware Of

Many people revel in the thought of soaking in a bubbly hot tub after a workout, while on vacation, or just for fun. Their numbers speak for their popularity: there are about 5 million public and private hot tubs, whirlpools and spas in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
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Headache Causes: The 18 Most
Common Sources of Headaches and
What You Need to Know and Do

About 4 percent to 5 percent of U.S. adults suffer from chronic headaches, which may occur nearly every day, according to the Mayo Clinic. While an occasional headache is something that most people experience, frequent headaches can be a warning sign that something is amiss in your body…
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Why do You Have an Appendix?
(Actually, It’s There for a VERY Good Reason)

Your appendix is a 3-1/2 inch long finger-shaped pouch that extends from your large intestine, on the lower right side of your abdomen. For ages it has been thought that the appendix has no real purpose. In fact, even Charles Darwin said the appendix is a “vestigial organ,” or one that has become essentially useless over time – a concept that is still spouted in biology textbooks to this day…
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Proanthocyanidins: Why this Tannin
Keeps Your Arteries Flexible and
Blood Pressure Low, and the Best

Proanthocyanidins, a polyphenols extracted from grape seeds, has scientists and nutrition buffs excited. Why? They are antioxidant powerhouse that also appears to provide major heart-healthy benefits. All polyphenols, in fact, are great for your health. They work by scavenging harmful free radicals in your body, and evidence is emerging that these compounds prevent the spread of a number of degenerative conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases…
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The Six Silent Killers in Your Home:
How to Detect and Eliminate Them

You routinely check the batteries on your smoke detectors. You keep your doors locked with a deadbolt. You are particular about turning your oven off after each use. Yet despite the fact that most Americans believe their homes are safe havens, of the 91,000 deaths that occur each year from unintentional injury, 20 percent of them occur in the home, according to The Home Safety Council. This translates to about 18,000 deaths each year from home injuries…
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10 Riskiest Foods Revealed

Massive egg recalls in past years, prompted by thousands of cases of Salmonella poisoning, is now safely behind us, but there are still foods lurking in your supermarket that have the potential to make you sick. Food-borne diseases cause an estimated 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
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Cavities? Controversial Debate as to Cause:
Teeth Disease or Nutritional Problem?

Dental cavities are the most common disease in childhood and the most common chronic disease around the world. Since the 1930s and ‘40s, scientists have been exploring whether there is a genetic predisposition to cavities, or if diet and nutrition are to blame. Unfortunately, there is no absolute answer. Both genetics and nutrition play a role in a person’s predisposition to cavities; however, there is plenty you can do to limit tooth decay and cavities…
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The Five Most Dangerous Medicine
Mistakes that Way Too Many People Make

At least half of all Americans take one or more prescription drugs, according to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). One in six of us take three or more. For those aged 65 and older, five out of six take at least one medication, and nearly half take three or more, the same report found…
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Soy: Is It Healthy or Not? What the Experts Say

Soy is one of the most widely grown, and widely studied (over 5,000 research studies on soy exist) legumes in the world. Here in the United States, you are likely familiar with soy in the form of soymilk, soy burgers, soy ice cream and the myriad of other processed soy products that claim to be ultra healthy…
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Anti-Aging Benefits of Strengthening Your Core

Do you run religiously on a treadmill for hours every week? Do you lift weights, too, and assume you’re covering all of your fitness basics? Well you’ve got a good start, but you’re missing out on a very important fitness staple that is a key to your health and longevity: building your core…
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New Deadly SuperBug “C. Diff”: Health Warning!

You and most others are probably familiar with the deadly MRSA superbug that’s been spreading across U.S. communities like wildfire. What you likely didn’t know — until right now — is a potentially greater risk, a faster spreading deadly superbug referred to as “C. diff” or “c-diff” has emerged that killed more than twice the number of people than H1N1 Swine Flu last year…
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Nine Tips to Get Rid of Bad Smells
in Common Household Locations

A clean home really shouldn’t smell like anything; it should have the unsullied, pure feeling of a fresh breeze when guests arrive or friends stop over. Of course, if your home is for sale and or you’re simply living in your house, you know that a dizzying array of scents waft through the air at any given time — your seafood medley pasta dinner, your spouse’s favorite (and three-day-old) t-shirt, your daughter’s cheerleading backpack, and, of course, Rover. Each smell can quickly put off people with allergies or discriminating sensitive, sinuses…
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It’s Time to Relax: 15 Quick Tips to Help You
Shift Your Gears to “Relax” Mode Quickly

America’s number one health problem – responsible for 75 percent to 90 percent of doctor visits, according to the American Institute for Stress – is stress. And it’s no wonder, given that we all face stress on a daily basis from the six areas of life that is dedicating to providing you guidance in Relationships, Finances, Health, Personal safety, Home, and Career. When stress becomes unbearable, it can lead to a host of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, depression, autoimmune diseases and reproductive problems…
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Strong Obesity and Cancer
Link Now Absolutely Confirmed

Excess weight can now officially be added to the growing number of factors that contribute to cancer, according to the UK’s Million Women Study. The study, which included more than 1 million UK women, found that 5 percent of all cancers in the UK – or about 6,000 cases each year – are caused by being overweight or obese…
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Tired all the Time?
8 Medical Issues to be to Aware Of

It’s estimated that 20 percent of Americans feel tired to the point that it interferes with their daily life. This type of overwhelming and chronic fatigue interferes with your ability to enjoy life and feel productive, but why does it happen…
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8 Ways to Avoid The Top 5
Common Crippling Exercise Injuries

Regular workouts can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. They promote healthy blood sugar levels, improve your mood and energy levels, help control your weight, promote healthy bone density and more. In other words, there’s no shortage of benefits to hitting the gym or taking a brisk stroll or two around your block on a daily basis. That’s why experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more days per week…
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Secret Breakthrough in Addictions
of Food, Smoking and Others

As we approach bathing suit weather, it’s also worth noting that some of the most common New Year’s resolutions centered around leading a healthier lifestyle and with that often comes the challenge of breaking addictive behaviors throughout the year. The addictions that top most New Year’s resolution lists are smoking and overeating, two habits that can cause detrimental health effects over time. Unfortunately, many fail at their attempts to break these habits and ultimately may have fallen back into their old patterns. However, there’s hope…
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How Obesity and Overweight May be Impacting
Your Brain. Plus What You Can do to Avoid This

Obesity has been called the “Great American Disease” because it now impacts 30 percent of U.S. adults (which amounts to over 60 million people). It is, however, a global disease that affects more than 300 million worldwide. While most are aware that being overweight and obese can increase their risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, researchers from UCLA have uncovered another lesser known, but equally severe, risk…
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The 2018 NEW YOU: Double Benefit Best
Form of Exercise to Improve Your Mood?

Exercise is a well-known natural mood booster. You’ve heard of a “runner’s high”? This refers to the euphoric feeling many people get after a challenging run…and research has confirmed that, indeed, endorphins – your brain’s feel-good, pain-relieving chemicals – are produced during running…
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The Two Types of Fat – Visceral and Subcutaneous – and Which Poses
the Greatest Risk to You

It’s the dreaded “F-word” — FAT. Many of us are consumed with it … gaining it, fearing it and doing just about anything to get rid of it. Yet we all have it. Even lean adults have 40 billion fat cells; those who are obese may have 80 billion to 120 billion. But it’s not only the amount of fat that makes the difference between being healthy and unhealthy, it’s the type of fat, and where it’s distributed in your body…
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Surprising Facts About Air Pollution
and How to Protect Yourself

Everyday you breathe in about 15,000 liters of air. If that air is polluted, the toxins are transported to all the organs in your body — not just your lungs. In fact, polluted air gets carried, via your bloodstream, from your lungs to your heart, liver, brain and other organs…
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6 Life Changing Successful Habits

At some point everyone searches to make positive changes in their life. Whether they are health-related, success-oriented or simply to get more happiness out of life, it is a constant quest. Without having a roadmap or step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish these life changes many of us unfortunately give up trying, settling for the status quo and accepting things as they are…
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Study Reveals: What’s Really
Causing Your Food Cravings?

As you prepare for the extra guests, the cheer and the extra large holiday meals, you’re probably thinking of ways to NOT put on more weight and how to lose those five to ten extra pounds you gained over the last winter holidays. Most people find it challenging to stick to a healthy diet and oftentimes exacerbating the challenge are insatiable food cravings…
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Portion Sizes are Out of Control!

With the New Year comes another round of New Year’s resolutions, most of which revolve around weight loss and wanting to lose 10, 20, 50 or more pounds. A stringent plan of attack may even be put into place to go to the health club four times of week, eat healthy and meet that goal. Unfortunately, many will fail…
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The Top 10 Dangers of Fireplaces:
What Every Fireplace User should know

Most people love the warmth and coziness of having a fireplace in their home, so much so that fireplace sales rose well over 50 percent since 1998, according to the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association. Over half of all U.S. homes (55 percent) now have at least one fireplace, and they’re ranked as the third most desirable feature that people look for when buying a new home, says the National Association of Home Builders…
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You Really Can Die From a Broken Heart

While the idea of dying from a broken heart may strike some as nothing more than folklore — Shakespearian even research has proven the reality of such an occurrence. When people encounter certain distressing situations, a flood of stress hormones are unleashed, taking a drastic toll on the heart and causing sudden life-threatening heart spasms in otherwise healthy people…
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PMS: The Latest Insights on its
Causes and How to Reduce Symptoms

To the medical community, PMS (or premenstrual syndrome) is still a largely mysterious phenomenon that affects women during the one or two weeks before menstruation. But for the women who face PMS each month (estimates of exactly how many menstruating women get PMS vary widely and go as high as 80 percent, but the American College of Obstetricians says it’s up to 40 percent), the physical, emotional and psychological symptoms are all too familiar…
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The Benefits and Risks of Saunas

Saunas are a popular attraction in hotels, spas and health clubs around the U.S. and the world. Enthusiasts say there is little that can pamper your body and soul like a trip to the sauna, which is traditionally a wooden room infused with dry heat that can get as high as 185° F…
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Napping…Is it Good for You?

Giving in to a daytime catnap might have been frowned upon in the past, but now new research has put to bed previous nap naysayers. A new study has shown that a little daytime shuteye can actually provide health benefit…
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Your Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer in U.S. men (lung cancer is the first), and about one in six men will be diagnosed with this disease during his lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). In 2009 alone, over 192,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, and over 27,360 men died of the disease…
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Study: Why Green Tea Strengthens
Your Teeth…”Got Green Tea?”

Adults have 32 permanent teeth (including wisdom teeth), which are designed to help you bite and chew food, and even help form words when you speak, for your entire adult life. There is a slight problem, though, and that is the human lifespan has been expanding while poor diet and other issues are causing teeth to decay…
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Who’s Controlling You? Are You Getting Fat, Sick and Broke from Sellers’ Subliminal Injections?

Stop The Injections!! How to STOP BUYING Toxic STUFF: Fast-Foods; Addictive Drugs; STUFF You Buy but Never Use; STUFF that Makes You Ill / Sick; STUFF that Makes You BROKE; STUFF You Just Never Needed: STUFF You Just Can’t Resist; STUFF, STUFF, STUFF that you just can’t stop Buying…
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How to Keep Your Spirits High and
Stress Low During the Upcoming Holidays

For some, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year,” filled with family get-togethers, good food and time to sit back and reflect on all there is to be thankful for. But for many, the holiday season brings with it stress, anxiety, sadness and despair, leading to a full-blown case of the holiday blues…
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Warning: Your Soft Drinks and Favorite
Snacks may be Loaded With Toxic Mercury

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has replaced sugar in many processed foods, and is now found in soft drinks and other sweetened beverages, breads, cereals, lunch meats, soup, condiments, yogurt and much, much more…
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The Four Types of Foods
That ZAP Your Brain Power

Do you ever feel foggy after lunch? Can’t think straight after certain meals? It’s not all in your head. The food you eat has a very real, and very significant, impact on your mind — including your ability to think clearly…
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The Healing and Strengthening Power of Touch

The power of touch is displayed perhaps no more poignantly than during the first few months of life. Babies who are not hugged and held during these first months will not thrive and grow like their cuddled peers. In fact, a study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that infants who were held, snuggled and touched had better mental and motor skills than those who were not…
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Cancer Mistakes: Fixing Them
Before Effected or Fatal

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death around the globe. In the United States, men have just under a one in two chance of developing cancer in their lifetime, while women have a little more than one in three risk, according to the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) Cancer Facts & Figures 2009…
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Why is Your Body Toxic? How You Can
Easily Remove and Stop Absorbing Toxins!

Thanks to the industrial revolution, there are now more than 85,000 chemicals registered with the U.S. government, and about 1,000 new chemicals are added every year. These chemicals, it’s becoming increasingly clear, have found their way into the most pristine and isolated corners on Earth – even the snow atop the Andes Mountains is no longer pure…
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How to Sleep Away the Pounds…
Why You Gain Weight by NOT Sleeping

You know a sound night of sleep can do wonders for your energy levels, your appearance and even your outlook on life … but did you know it might also be instrumental in keeping you trim? Accumulating research is showing that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for your waistline, and if you’ve been skimping on sleep — even by just an hour or two — it could be making you fat…
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Do Sports Drinks Really Work,
and are They Healthy?

We won’t mention any names, but one of the country’s leading sports drinks claims its “unique blend of fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrates has been shown time and again to be an optimal hydrator, keeping athletes at the top of their game.”…
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Good Fats to Feel Better Vs. Fats
Causing Depression and Heart Disease

Many Americans are under the impression that “fats” is a four-letter word … a substance that must be shunned in your diet if you want to stay thin and avoid heart disease and other health issues. But this misguided nutritional dogma could actually be putting your health at risk, as all fats are NOT created equal — and, in fact, some fats are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally…
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Does Getting Older Make People Happier?

Many people do not look forward to getting older, and will instead do everything in their power, including resorting to plastic surgery, to escape the hands of time. But what if all our fears of aging — and our preconceived notions that it means we will be dependant on others, lonely and unfulfilled, slower mentally and crumbling physically — are actually unfounded…
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The 6 Most Dangerous Home-Based
Causes of Disease and Illness

Your home is your haven, but inside even the most pristine of houses lurk hidden dangers that can cause disease and illness to you and your family. What makes these home-based toxins so dangerous is that often you can’t tell they’re there until it’s too late and you’re already sick. That is, of course, unless you know where and how to look…
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Male Breast Cancer: Signs, Symptoms,
Prevention and Other Important Facts

Breast cancer, typically regarded as a women’s health condition, can strike men too. In fact, though men are about 100 times less likely to get breast cancer than women, about 1 percent of all breast cancers occur in men…
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Does Your Breath Smell Like Cancer?
5 Incredible Forms of Early Cancer Detection

Dectecting cancer in the early stages increases the survival rate of people diagnosed with cancer. Here are five unique, non-invasive ways of detecting cancer in its early stages…
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Smoke or Used to Smoke?
The Healthiest Foods to Prevent Lung
Cancer and Other Smoker’s Diseases

Nearly 21 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, and countless others have smoked at some point in their life. This habit continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the country, causing about one out of every five deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…
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What REALLY Makes Your Hair Turn Gray?
(And is Stress a Major Factor?)

It happens to just about every U.S. President as they struggle through their term in office, and it reportedly happened to Marie Antionette in the days before she was guillotined. Of course, just about every parent of a teenager (or a 2-year-old, for that matter) has likely experienced it too: Gray hair!…
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5 Behaviors That Promote
Healthy Living Past Age 90

What does it take to live to be 100, or even 91? Ask a handful of centenarians, and you’re likely to get a handful of different answers…
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Sprouts: Why They are Among the Healthiest Foods You Can Eat … and 15 Interesting Varieties

Sprouts are tiny, baby plants that are just beginning their journey into the familiar veggies we know. Yet, at this stage the sprout is packed with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more, which it will need to grow into a mature plant…
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How Old are the Cells in Your Body
and Which Can and Can’t be Renewed?

You may have just celebrated your 30th, 50th, or 75th birthday, but the cells that make up your body are actually much younger than that. If you go by the numbers, your cells are, on average, around 10 years old, or less…
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The Most Lethal Superbug Epidemic
Ever is Spreading Like Wildfire:
Infectious MRSA Bacteria

Americans visit their doctors about 12 million times each year because of concerns they’ve contracted a “Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus”, more commonly known as “MRSA”, infection. MRSA cases in the United States, once confined to those in hospitals and other health care settings, have spread to the general community, where outbreaks have been reported among schools, health clubs and other public facilities…
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Study Shows “Toxic PAH’s” Air
Pollution Leads to Genetic Changes
and Asthma – Starting in the Womb

Women who live in heavy traffic areas such as the Northern Manhattan and South Bronx areas of New York City, could give birth to children with an increased risk of asthma due to what are called toxic PAH’s (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)…
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How Does the Way You
Think Impact Your Health?

“Disease cannot live in a body that’s in a healthy emotional state,” at least, so says author Bob Proctor in the film, “The Secret.” “The Secret” – which was not being shown in theaters, but rather was spread through a viral, grassroots marketing campaign – discussed a centuries-old principle that has earned a “new-age” reputation…
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Inflammation: The Secret Leading Cause
of Disease and What to Do About It

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to outside invaders it perceives as threats. Specifically, it’s a process in which your body’s white blood cells protect you from foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses…
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5 Top Diabetes Myths, Busted!

There are many myths surrounding the medical condition diabetes, making it very difficult for people to decipher between the untruths and the facts. Some of the myths create a disturbing and scary picture of diabetes that lead to an overwhelming negative stigma underlined with false information. Below are five of the top myths on diabetes, each followed by the actual research-supported facts…
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How Midlife Heart Disease,
the #1 Killer, can be Avoided

It is the size of a clenched fist, beats approximately 72 times a minute and is one of the most important organs in your body it’s the human heart. But with incredible endurance and life-sustaining responsibilities comes the likelihood for breakdowns, ranging in severity from transient to chronic and slow developing to sudden or even deadly…
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7 Ways to Cut Your Medical Costs

The salutation “Be Well” is easier said than done. We would all like to wake up with overflowing energy, a clear mind and a sunny disposition … invigorated and excited about what the day will unfold. But for many this scenario is fleeting or, worse, rarely attained…
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Eight Key Nutrients to
Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, accounting for one in three of all women cancer cases diagnosed. Annually, more than 211,000 women are diagnosed with the disease, according to the American Cancer Society, along with nearly 1,700 men…
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The Seven Nutrients Americans are Most Deficient In & How to Get Them

Eating healthy is on a lot of people’s minds these days, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has found that many Americans’ diets are still not up to par. The problem is not a lack of food, but rather a lack of nutritious foods that supply the vitamins and minerals our bodies depend on to function…
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The Little-Known Dangers of Antibiotics The Drug Companies DON’T Want You To Know! How Is Antibiotic

The era of antibiotics, where deadly bacterial infections are knocked out completely in a matter of days, may be coming to an end soon, according to more than a handful of media headlines referring to a new paper in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. However, all hope is not lost…
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The Top 10 Slimming Foods

You know how you can put on a couple of pounds by just looking at a cheeseburger and fries? Well, some foods have the opposite effect, helping you burn extra energy — and keep weight off — just by eating them…
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Study Shows How You Too Can Lower
Your Stroke and Alzheimer’s Risks

Stroke is a major health risk. Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive and fatal brain disease, is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. The condition destroys brain cells, leading to memory loss and problems with thinking and behavior that are severe enough to impact work, hobbies and social life, and which get worse over time…
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What to do AFTER a Workout to Get
Maximum Benefit From Your Exercise

It’s somewhat instinctive to warm-up before a workout. You may jog in place a little, shake out your arms, do a few stretches, and some other movements to get your heart pumping and your body feeling loose before you exercise. After you’re done exercising, however, you may be tired, and taking the time to cool down and support your body post-workout may be the last thing on your mind…
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Nutritional Deficiency: Symptoms &
Recommendations for 24
Common Nutritional Deficiencies

This article may very well be the “most important article you read this year”… for your better health. You may even want to print out relevant sections and or simply pass it along in its entirety to friends and loved-ones. It covers a lot of health related information we hope you find helpful…
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Why Married Men Really are Healthier
& Respond Better to Certain Treatments

Although single men may tout the joys of living the carefree “bachelor’s life,” it turns out married men may have an advantage. Numerous studies have proven that married life is good for men, physically, mentally and spiritually as well as women…
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The Best and Worst Exercises for Your Abs

The abdominals are one of the most loathed, yet most coveted, set of muscles that Americans want to define, but often don’t know how. To be fair, it really isn’t possible to “spot treat” your body and get rock-hard abs simply by doing some crunches. You must concentrate on a healthy diet and aerobic exercise first, to reduce fat and shape up your body overall, so that the work you do to tone your tummy can be seen…
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Six Cancer Screenings That Could Save Your Life

The American Cancer Society has estimated that 745,180 men and 692,000 women will have cancer this year in the United States. Of those cases, the most common are cancers of the skin, prostate cancer in men, breast and uterine-related cancers in women, lung, and colon and rectum – in both men and women…
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Panic Attacks: What Are They, How Do You Know You are Having One, How Risky Are They?

About one out of every 75 people may experience a panic attack at some point in their life, but for some, the very fear of having another attack can lead to full-fledged panic disorder, and a number of serious related complications…
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Are You Toxic Rich, Health Poor?

Even in some of the richest countries in the world, environmental toxins could be making you “health poor.” In fact, even with the best diet, regular exercise and an optimistic outlook, your health can be impacted by the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and even the soil in which your food is grown…
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Drugs with Potentially Psychotic Side
Effects: Which Ones are They

During a six-week span, four soldiers from Fort Bragg were accused of killing their wives. Three of them committed suicide. While the Army officials who investigated the cases said the killings were likely “due to existing marital problems and the stress of separation while soldiers are away on duty,” many believe the true cause may have been Lariam, an anti-malaria drug…
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Dangers of Fat in Your Blood Vessels

We all have fat in our blood vessels to varying degrees. This buildup of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products and more is called plaque, and most often it’s associated with atherosclerosis, which typically refers to a buildup of plaque in and on the arteries that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart…
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10 Top Causes of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men (skin cancer is the first), according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). In just one year, nearly 219,000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected in the United States, and over 27,000 men will die from the disease…
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Is Your Food Making You Sick? Get a Shocking Look at the Inside World of the U.S. Food System

The American food system is in crisis, plagued with an industrial mentality that puts profits ahead of the people it is supposed to nourish. In response, the first of two much-needed films on the topic…
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Cadmium Poisoning, which Can Harm Your Kidneys and Reduce Your Bone Density, Surprisingly High

There was both good and bad news in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) monumental Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals…
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The 7 (Honest) Facts You Should Know About Losing Thigh Fat, Gut Fat, and Fat in Other “Problem” Areas

That stubborn fat around hips, buttocks and thighs for women, and the belly and side “love handles” for men, is every dieter’s biggest adversary. It is the last 10 pounds to go, and it is always the hardest to lose…
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High Cholesterol? 12 Top Non-Drug
Strategies to Increase Your HDL Levels

Think you’ve heard it all when it comes to cholesterol? Well, even the most cholesterol-savvy among us may be in for a surprise … it turns out that perhaps the most important aspect has to do with making sure you have enough of it – the good kind, that is…
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Skin Cancer, Already the #1 Most
Diagnosed Cancer, Continues to Escalate in
All Ages: How to Recognize & Prevent It

Every year, more than 1 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States. Another 59,600 people will be diagnosed a year with the more serious (and far less common) melanoma skin cancer, according to the American Cancer Society…
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Health Risks Plus False Claims:
Toothpaste and Mouthwash Used
for Fighting Gingivitis

When you go to your local market and take a look at all the toothpastes on the shelves, the choices can be overwhelming. You can choose from tartar control, whitening, sensitivity reduction or total control formulas. Many of these brands are simply cosmetic, while some of the others have been clinically approved by the American Dental Association to improve oral hygiene by reducing plaque, which is one of the major causes of periodontitis…
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How a Healthy Diet Can Reduce Violence
and Rudeness, and Increase Your I.Q.
and Your Children’s I.Q.

Like a taunting teenager, a nosy mother-in-law or a meddling neighbor, food messes with our emotions. A bowl of ice cream can make you happy. An entire carton of ice cream can make you sad. Just the smell of a home-cooked meal when you can’t have one can make you lonesome and a bowl of chicken noodle soup can make you feel better…
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Health Clues: Heart Concerns to Look For

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 26 percent of deaths each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Further, each year 785,000 Americans will have a first heart attack, while another 470,000 will have a second (or third, fourth, etc.) attack…
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How to Heal Wounds including
after Surgery Fast with Less Scarring

Wounds, whether due to injury or surgery, can exact a great toll on your quality of life if they do not heal quickly and completely. And, whether you realize it or not, there’s a lot more to wound healing than Band-Aids and antibiotic ointment. In fact, to really understand the mechanisms behind how to best heal your wounds, it helps to first know a bit about how the process works at a biological level…
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Candida: How to Recognize and
Overcome Yeast Overgrowth
(a Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)

Candida Albicans is a single-cell fungi that lives, often harmlessly, on your skin and in your intestines (and, women, in your vagina). However, as part of the family of yeasts, candida cells can multiply rapidly and if your system is out of balance it can easily grow out of control…
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Why 50% of U.S. Population Has Allergies

If you live in the United States, chances are you have allergies. At least, that’s the finding from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). It found that 54.3 percent of Americans between the ages of 6 and 59 tested positive to one or more allergens. A positive test also means that the person has a greater risk of asthma, hay fever and eczema…
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Lumps and Bumps to Watch Out For:
Detecting Cancer & Other Health Issues

Cancer experts recommend regularly checking your body for lumps or bumps that appear out of the ordinary. Should you discover something that may be, in fact, cancer finding it early will give you the best chance to overcome it. Here’s a breakdown of what to keep an eye out for…
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10 Foods that Keep Your Arteries Cleans

Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits…
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Six Foods that are Surprisingly High in Toxins

Certain things automatically come to mind when you think of toxins in your food … bacteria like e.coli, additives, pesticides, and other contaminants like heavy metals would all certainly apply. But even if your food is completely natural, with no man-made components whatsoever, it may still contain toxins, naturally occurring ones, that is…
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What is “Normal” Aging, and How
Can You Help Slow Down the Clock?

What is your ideal target age to live to? Many people today live to and past 100. We all want to live a healthy life filled with happiness and no regrets. We will share how to live your life healthier now and at a higher quality of life with less potential ill concerns for many more years to come…
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Ways to Trim Your Tummy
…And Why You Should

Most people are now well aware of the health benefits of keeping their weight within a certain ideal range. This is conventionally measured by BMI, or body mass index, a standard for measuring your weight-to-height ratio. But here’s something you may not know…
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Are Metals in Food Harming
Your Child’s Behavior?

Metals and other elements in your child’s food could be contributing to aggressive or anti-social behavior in children, according to Neil Ward, professor of chemistry at the University of Surrey in the UK, and a lead researcher in the field…
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12 Tips to Minimize Allergies
during Peak Allergy Season

Over half of Americans (more than 50 million people) are allergic to one or more allergens, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). And never is it more apparent than during the springtime, when seasonal allergies are likely to flare up…
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Back Pain: The Nine Most Common Sources
of It and Natural Steps to Remedy It

Back pain is extremely common, with four out of five adults facing it at least once during their lives, according to the Mayo Clinic. And a nationwide phone survey of over 1,200 Americans, sponsored by Stanford University Medical Center, ABC News and USA Today, found that back pain was the most common type of pain reported (followed by knee and shoulder pain, joint pain and headaches)…
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Are You Unknowingly a Victim of
Unnecessary Adrenal Fatigue

Do you feel constantly tired, moody and depressed? Do you wake up feeling tired even after a full night’s rest? Do you crave sugary and salty foods, and depend on your morning coffee just to keep your eyes open? These are all common symptoms of adrenal fatigue – a condition caused, in short, by too much stress and work…
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Memory Loss Epidemic: Is Your
Memory at Risk? Know Your Risk Factors

As you get older and find yourself misplacing your glasses, forgetting the phone number of a good friend or experiencing a hazy recall of what you did the past weekend, you get those pangs of sudden panic. Is it normal forgetfulness or a sign of something more…
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How to Lose Weight, Enhance Your
Health and Find Well-Being by
Nurturing Your Mind and Body

We all inherently know (but like to forget or choose to ignore) that losing weight is really more about simple mathematics than it is about adhering to the latest dietary craze…
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Top 10 Worst Foods and 10 Healthier Alternatives

As Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” Quite simply, you really are what you eat, but the standard American diet leaves plenty of nutrients lacking while giving you an excess of unhealthy fats, sodium, preservatives and chemical additives…
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Ways to Be in Better Condition than
when you were in Your Teens and 20s?

Your body is always in a state of change; you are either improving or declining your current state of health … and what you do and eat on a “daily basis” greatly influences your decline or improved health plus what quality of life you will have in the future…
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Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

The number of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract greatly outnumber the cells in your body; your gut has 100 trillion microorganisms while you have about 10 trillion cells in your body! What this means is that the microflora in your gut is a powerful and compelling force in your body, one that may influence far more than how well your food gets digested…
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Why You Need to Understand
Oxidative Stress – and How to Avoid It

Oxidative stress is now recognized as a leading cause of chronic disease and aging. It occurs when free radicals — toxic oxygen molecules produced by normal body processes but also via external sources like stress and pollution — spiral out of control…
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Aspirin: What are the Real Benefits,
What are the Real Risks?

The first form of aspirin — today one of the most widely used drugs around — existed all the way back in the 5th century B.C., when the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used willow bark and leaves to relieve pain and reduce fever. It wasn’t until the 1820s, however, that scientists identified the active component in willow bark: salicin…
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The Top 15 Signs of Heart Disease
Everyone Needs to Know

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, which resulted in 29 percent of all U.S. deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Meanwhile, more than one-third (37 percent) of adults reportedly have two or more of the six risk factors for heart disease and stroke…
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Deadly SuperBug “C. Diff”: Health Warning! How to Prevent this Killer Superbug Infection That’s Even More Common Than MRSA! And Spreading

You and most others are probably familiar with the deadly MRSA superbug that’s been spreading across U.S. communities like wildfire. What you likely didn’t know – until right now – is a potentially greater risk, a faster spreading deadly superbug referred to as “C. diff” or “c-diff” has emerged that killed more than twice the number of people than H1N1 Swine Flu last year…
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Aging Gracefully: Enjoy a Vital,
Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age

More often than not, aging is viewed as something to be fought off for as long as possible. Regardless of how liberated we’ve become, many women and men still experience aging as a threat to their sense of self–worth and quality of life. It is pretty much expected that middle age will bring a “crisis” and far too often we hear seniors lament that “I thought these were supposed to be the golden years.” Whole industries are built on the attempt to stay young – from hair colors to face lifts to Viagra…
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Olives: How Healthy are They?
Which Olives are Best?

Olives are one of the oldest foods known to man, dating back some 8,000 years in the Mediterranean region. The olive tree was valued as a symbol of peace and happiness, while olives were used as food and a source of oil…
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Stress Now Proven to Cause Weight Gain
in Women: Five Key Stress-Reduction Tips

Stress is as much a part of American culture as a cheeseburger and fries … and it can be just as risky to your health. Even if you aren’t facing any major troubles, just going about your daily routine — getting the kids ready for school, driving to the office, trying to hook up phone service, etc. – can expose you to loads of it…
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How to Prevent Alzheimer’s: The Most Effective Ways to Avoid this Rapidly Increasing Disease

Alzheimer’s disease already affects 4.5 million Americans–more than twice the number that were affected in 1980–but that number is expected to grow significantly. By the year 2050, it’s estimated that 11.3 million to 16 million Americans may develop the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association…
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Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disease:
How to Avoid Foods that are Harmful to Your
Thyroid Plus Those that are Beneficial to Eat!

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It releases hormones that control metabolism (how your body gets energy from the food you eat), and if this process becomes disrupted it can lead to weight gain or loss, heart disease, osteoporosis, infertility and, in rare cases, even coma and death…
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What Dangers Can Perfumes & Other
Fragrances Pose to Your Health?

We have all been there. You are in a movie theater, on an airplane or in some other closed quarters that, for whatever reason, you are required to remain in. Then in walks that man or woman wearing way too much of the strongest — and usually worst smelling — cologne or perfume. Of course, they usually sit right next to you…
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The Amazing Cancer Prevention
Health Benefits of Parsley, or,
“Hey, I Shouldn’t Be Just a Table Garn”

Parsley is an easy-to-use, incredibly flavorful, nutrition powerhouse, yet, it is often regarded as a “throw-away” garnish on dinner plates. Derived from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (because it’s related to celery), parsley has been cultivated for 2,000 years, and was used medicinally long before that…
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Coronary Microvascular Syndrome (CMS):
The Hidden Heart Attack Risk They
STILL Aren’t Checking For

As many as 3 million U.S. women may be unknowingly at risk of heart disease because they suffer from coronary microvascular syndrome (CMS), according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Women’s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) study…
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How to Avoid Foods that
are Harmful to Your Thyroid

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It releases hormones that control metabolism (how your body gets energy from the food you eat), and if this process becomes interrupted it can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis, infertility and, in rare cases, even coma and death…
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6 Types of Very Common Toxic Bacteria

Thousands of different types of bacteria exist naturally in our environment. Some are necessary and quite healthy, like probiotics that support digestive health. Others, however, like the ones you’ll read about below, can cause serious disease…
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The 11 Warning Signals Your Nails
are Sending You about Your Health

Many people put a lot of effort into keeping their nails perfectly trimmed, cleaned and manicured. If the nails aren’t perfect, the solution is often to cover them up with fake nails or polish. But ignoring such signs and viewing them as only an aesthetic problem could be dangerous to your health…
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10 Steps to Avoid Alzheimer’s,
the 6th Leading Cause of Death

Every 71 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Facts and Figures. While over 5 million people in the United States are already living with the disease, it’s estimated that 10 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s during their lifetime — and this number is expected to triple by 2050…
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Lutein: Are You Getting Enough of This
“Anti-Aging” Antioxidant Powerhouse?

Lutein, a yellow-hued carotenoid (that’s also found in non-yellow foods), has been receiving much well-deserved attention as of late. This powerful antioxidant may help fight everything from cancer to aging, and it’s available in so many foods that there’s no excuse not to add it to your daily diet…
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Stomach Pain? Here are the 9 Most
Common Sources and What to Do

Stomach pain is incredibly common, impacting just about everyone at one point or another. Sometimes, such as if you’ve just eaten a giant bowl of spicy chili, the cause is obvious. Others, and more often, you may have no idea what’s causing the pain…
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Some Startling Stress and Anxiety Statistics, and What You Can Do to Eliminate Your High-Stress

A full 43 percent of U.S. adults suffer adverse health effects from stress, according to an American Psychological Association (APA) study. Not only does stress and anxiety interfere with your immune system, making you vulnerable to illnesses like the flu, it impairs your body’s ability to respond to its anti-inflammatory signals, putting you at an increased risk of allergies, autoimmune diseases and heart disease…
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Want to Improve Your Immune System? Then Here’s What You Need to Know about Flavonoids

For the first time ever, a study has proven that eating flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that’s especially concentrated in fruits and vegetables, may boost your immune system. How did the researchers come to this realization? By watching birds…
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Trans Fat’s Strong Link to Cancer, Diabetes & Heart Disease, and How to Avoid It

Trans fatty acid, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, a process called hydrogenation. Many manufacturers use this process of hydrogenation because it reduces cost and increases the shelf life and flavor stability of their food…
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11 Rare Diseases You’ve Never Heard Of

In the United States, a disease is generally considered rare if it occurs in less than 200,000 people. Those who suffer from these so-called “orphan” diseases often go undiagnosed for years, and then are left with little to go on in terms of treatment, known causes and cures…
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America’s Consumption of Added Fats
and Sugars Continues: How to Avoid it

In the 35 years between 1970 and 2005, Americans began eating 63 percent more added fats and 19 percent more sugar and sweeteners. Also during this time, Americans got fatter…
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How to Avoid SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

For many, summer is filled with long, fun-filled days in the sun, but come fall and winter, sunlight gets scarce and many retreat to the warmth of their homes until the spring thaw signals that it’s time to venture back outside…
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Refined Food Risks: Why They’re Like
Trying to Keep a Bonfire Going with Toilet Paper

You’ve heard the advice: eat fewer refined foods like white bread and white sugar. But what exactly are refined foods, and what makes them so taboo…
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Tomatoes: Interesting Facts Every
Tomato Lover Needs to Know

Americans eat an average of 80 pounds of tomatoes — each — every year, but there is still a lot you probably never knew about the familiar, humble tomato. For starters, tomato in French, pomme d’amour, means “love apple,” because the heart-shaped fruit was regarded as an aphrodisiac…
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Honey Works as Well as Cough Syrup:
Four Beneficial Uses of Honey

Beekeepers have been raising bees to produce honey since at least 700 BC. Back then, this sweet, natural sweetener was a rarity used in religious ceremonies and for medicinal and cosmetic purposes…
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Research Reveals How Stress Can Kill

Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center have found a striking link between your nervous system and your immune system, revealing just how chronic stress may kill you…
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6 Types of Very Common Toxic Bacteria

Thousands of different types of bacteria exist naturally in our environment. Some are necessary and quite healthy, like probiotics that support digestive health. Others, however, like the ones you’ll read about below, can cause serious disease…
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Inflammation: The Secret Leading Cause
of Disease and What to Do About It

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to outside invaders it perceives as threats. Specifically, it’s a process in which your body’s white blood cells protect you from foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses…
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Energy Drinks Create Unhealthy Increase
in Blood Pressure & Heart Rate –
And Pose These Other Risks

Over 30 percent of teenagers, and 34 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds, consume energy drinks on a regular basis, according to a report by the Marin Institute. These drinks are heavily marketed to teens as a harmless way to boost energy, but in reality they’ve been linked to serious health effects…
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Marijuana: The Proven
Drawbacks on Your Child’s Body

As the most commonly used Federal illegal drug in the United States, the health effects of marijuana are easily a public health concern. Over 40 percent of Americans over the age of 12 (or nearly 98 million people) have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetimes, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health…
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Eating Red Meat: Once and for All,
Is it Bad for You or Good for You?

Whether or not red meat can be included as part of a healthy diet is one of the most hotly debated topics in the nutrition field. From a purely health-minded perspective (there are those, of course, who choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons) the conventional and naturalist camps are clearly divided…
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How Old are the Cells in Your Body
& Which Can and Can’t be Renewed?

You may have just celebrated your 30th, 50th, or 75th birthday, but the cells that make up your body are actually much younger than that. If you go by the numbers, your cells are, on average, around 10 years old, or less…
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Divulged Important Reason Why
You Have an Appendix (Actually, It’s
There for a VERY Good Reason)

Your appendix is a 3-1/2 inch long finger-shaped pouch that extends from your large intestine, on the lower right side of your abdomen. For ages it has been thought that the appendix has no real purpose…
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How Obesity and Overweight May be
Impacting Your Brain…Plus What You Can
do to Avoid This “Severe” Health Risk

Obesity has been called the “Great American Disease” because it now impacts 30 percent of U.S. adults (which amounts to over 60 million people). It is, however, a global disease that affects more than 300 million worldwide…
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4 Ways Sittosis “Tin Man Syndrome”
is Overcome Naturally

Remember the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz? His body hadn’t been used in so long that he was stiff, inflexible and barely capable of moving…that is, until Dorothy fixed him up with a few squirts of oil…
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The Truth About Eggs: How to
Tell the Good From the Bad

Are they healthy? Are they safe? And are they all created equal? Here we’ll dispel some of the myths about eggs and help you to decipher what your egg labels really mean … including how to choose the highest quality eggs available…
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Study Shows “Toxic PAH’s” Air
Pollution Leads to Genetic Changes and
Asthma — Starting in the Womb

Women who live in heavy traffic areas such as the Northern Manhattan and South Bronx areas of New York City, could give birth to children with an increased risk of asthma due to what are called toxic PAH’s (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)…
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Four Common but Toxic Chemicals
to Avoid During Pregnancy,
Pre-Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

While it was once thought that fetuses in the womb were largely protected from environmental chemicals, it’s now known that a woman’s exposure while pregnant has the potential to harm the developing baby…
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The Pros and Cons of Being a
Vegetarian: What the Experts Say

If you disagree with one or more portions of the following article, no matter which side you’re on to start, it’s likely we have done our job opening up this topic for conversations at your next Doctor’s appointment and for us to chat. With that we hope you agree…
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Good Fats to Feel Better Vs. Fats
Causing Depression and Heart Disease

Many Americans are under the impression that “fats” is a four-letter word … a substance that must be shunned in your diet if you want to stay thin and avoid heart disease and other health issues. But this misguided nutritional dogma could actually be putting your health at risk, as all fats are NOT created equal — and, in fact, some fats are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally…
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The Proven Benefits of Thinking Fast

There are nearly always two sides and different benefits to every perspective. Fast thinking is no different. If you’ve ever lain in bed at night with thoughts racing through your mind, you’ve experienced manic thinking. Likewise if you’ve been brainstorming or just thought of a great idea, and your thoughts seem to be coming in at lightning speed…
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How Midlife Heart Disease,
the #1 Killer, can be Avoided

It is the size of a clenched fist, beats approximately 72 times a minute and is one of the most important organs in your body it’s the human heart. But with incredible endurance and life-sustaining responsibilities comes the likelihood for breakdowns, ranging in severity from transient to chronic and slow developing to sudden or even deadly…
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Warning: Diabetes, Liver, and Heart
Disease Linked to Everyday Plastics
What’s Your Exposure Level?!

Bisphenol-A (BPS), a chemical used in countless plastic food and beverage containers, has made headlines in recent years for its ability to mimic the female hormone estrogen, impacting fertility and potentially promoting cancer…
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Dreams Really Do Have
Meaning, New Study Reveals

Dreams unlock a world of imagery revealing your deepest fears, hidden secrets and outrageous fantasies, transferring them from the conscious to the unconscious world. These subjective images usually occur during the REM stage of your sleep cycle, the time of sleep where the most intense dreaming takes place…
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Recent Study: Why Green Tea
Strengthens Your Teeth …”Got Green Tea?”

Adults have 32 permanent teeth (including wisdom teeth), which are designed to help you bite and chew food, and even help form words when you speak, for your entire adult life. There is a slight problem, though, and that is the human lifespan has been expanding while poor diet and other issues are causing teeth to decay…
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14 Things to do if You Feel
Tired and Sore After Working Out

You’ve pushed yourself to the limit — jogging, lifting, dancing or whatever it is you do to exercise — and have no sooner wiped the sweat from your brow when it hits you: sore muscles and fatigue … the variety that make you wonder, “Why am I doing this to myself?!”…
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Osteoporosis: The Top Tactics to
Prevent Low Bone Mass & Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, a disease that leads to frail bones and an increased susceptibility to fractures, is a major U.S. public health threat on its way to reaching epidemic proportions on par with obesity and diabetes. Already, 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, but another 34 million have low bone mass, which puts them at an increased risk of developing the disease, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF)…
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The Four Types of Foods
that ZAP Your Brain Power

Do you ever feel foggy after lunch? Can’t think straight after certain meals? It’s not all in your head. The food you eat has a very real, and very significant, impact on your mind — including your ability to think clearly…
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Those Who Don’t Diet are Better at
Improving Health Than Those Who Do Diet

Though the thought of counting calories and measuring portions doesn’t bring smiles to most people’s faces, many people succumb to such dieting measures because they believe it will improve their health…
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The Top 10 Slimming Foods

You know how you can put on a couple of pounds by just looking at a cheeseburger and fries? Well, some foods have the opposite effect, helping you burn extra energy — and keep weight off — just by eating them…
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All About Absinthe: Its History,
Effects, Laws and More in Brief

In late 19th-century Europe and early 20th-century United States, absinthe was all the rage. This 140-proof, bitter-tasting green liqueur was fancied by artists, poets and intellectuals alike. Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gaugin, Pablo Picasso, Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire, and Edgar Allan Poe all fondly partook in “the green fairy.”…
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High Cholesterol? 12 Top Non-Drug
Strategies to Increase Your HDL Levels

Think you’ve heard it all when it comes to cholesterol? Well, even the most cholesterol-savvy among us may be in for a surprise … it turns out that perhaps the most important aspect has to do with making sure you have enough of it – the good kind, that is…
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AGE Issues: Why You Want to Reduce “Advanced Glycation End” Foods in Your Diet

When you eat too much sugar, your blood glucose becomes elevated, leading to a host of problems. Among them, the excess sugar in your bloodstream can react with proteins and lipids (fatty substances) in your body, leading to the formation of highly toxic Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)…
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10 Riskiest Foods Revealed – Which Foods
are Most Likely to Make You Sick?

Massive egg recalls in past years, prompted by thousands of cases of Salmonella poisoning, is now safely behind us, but there are still foods lurking in your supermarket that have the potential to make you sick…
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How to De-stress While
Improving Your IQ & “PQ”

If you’ve been stalling on renewing your gym membership or are just having trouble finding motivation to get up off the couch after a long day at work, here’s some fodder for you to chew on: along with boosting your physical stamina, staying fit can boost your brainpower…
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Sea Vegetables: Why You Should Eat
More of This Delicious Asian Superfood

Sea vegetables, better known as seaweed, are the leafy greens of the sea. Though not technically a vegetable (they’re actually classified as algae), seaweed is loaded with nutrition and has a unique, slightly salty flavor that’s been a staple in Japanese cuisine for more than 10,000 years…
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14 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby (Including Two Newly Discovered MAJOR Benefits)

Increasing breastfeeding rates in the United States is a national health goal that’s part of the Healthy People 2010 initiative. The goal is to have 75 percent of mothers breastfeed their babies initially, 50 percent after six months and 25 percent after one year…
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Heartburn? Acid Reflux? You Could be
Amongthe 20% of Americans With GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) impacts one in 10 Americans about once a week, and virtually everyone has experienced it from time to time. This chronic digestive disease occurs when stomach acid or bile flows back into your esophagus, irritating its lining and leading to other symptoms including heartburn — the most common symptom of GERD…
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Candida: How to Recognize and
Overcome Yeast Overgrowth
(a Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)

Candida Albicans is a single-cell fungi that lives, often harmlessly, on your skin and in your intestines (and, women, in your vagina). However, as part of the family of yeasts, candida cells can multiply rapidly and if your system is out of balance it can easily grow out of control…
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Is the Junk-Food Gene Making
You Crave Fattening Foods?

Junk food, fast food, we know it’s all unhealthy, yet we still order takeout and frequent drive-throughs, sometimes several times a week. The top five reasons Americans eat junk food are convenience, availability, no time to cook, it’s quick and affordable – but at what cost to their health…
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10 Foods that Keep Your Arteries Clean

Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits. However, over time deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and other substances can build up in your arteries…
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Want to Improve Your Immune System?
Here’s What You Need to Know about Flavonoids

For the first time ever, a study has proven that eating flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that’s especially concentrated in fruits and vegetables, may boost your immune system. How did the researchers come to this realization? By watching birds…
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Is Your Mood Adding Inches to Your Waistline?

Most of us are all too well aware that overeating, eating junk food and not exercising are sure to expand our belt buckles another notch. But weight gain is not always so cut and dry. Oftentimes you may carefully watch what you eat, load your plate full of fruits and veggies, even exercise regularly…and still not win the battle of the bulge…
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10 Top Causes of Prostate Cancer
and How to Avoid Them

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men (skin cancer is the first), according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). In just one year, nearly 219,000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected in the United States, and over 27,000 men will die from the disease…
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Stretching and Exercise: Is Stretching Before Exercise Dangerous? When Should You Stretch?

Most everyone who exercises (even those among us who may not have exercised since our high school gym class) has heard the advice to stretch. Doing so before, after and during your workout, we were told, would help to prevent injuries, reduce sore muscles and help us get a better overall workout…
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Why You Gain Weight by NOT Sleeping
How to Sleep Away the Pounds

You know a sound night of sleep can do wonders for your energy levels, your appearance and even your outlook on life…but did you know it might also be instrumental in keeping you trim? Accumulating research is showing that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for your waistline, and if you’ve been skimping on sleep – even by just an hour or two – it could be making you fat…
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Garlic: The Five Top Health Benefits of the Delicious but Pungent Natural Miracle

It’s the subject of countless festivals, ancient folklore and entire cookbooks, and is a flavor that people either love or hate. Garlic – the beloved small vegetable, or “stinking rose,” that’s been cultivated for over 5,000 years – is not only tasty, it’s incredibly good for you…
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Research Now Shows You Can Worry Yourself Into Dementia and Even Alzheimer’s

It’s well known that an optimistic attitude is good for you — mentally and physically. Optimists are healthier, happier and likely to live longer than people who are not so cheerful. Over time, negative emotions like worry and anxiety may increase your risk of cognitive impairment by 40 percent…
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The Four Keys to Prevent Sunburn
and the Six Natural Ways to Treat It

It used to be that sunburns were as much a part of summer as picnics and pool parties. Today, we know that too much sun — i.e. when your skin gets red and feels hot to the touch — can, over time, result in dry, wrinkled skin, liver spots, and even skin cancer…
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Five Things You MUST Beware
of This Barbecue Season

Over 75 percent of American households own a barbecue grill (and more than half of these households use the grill year-round). Their allure, no doubt, stems not only from their ability to cook up tasty hamburgers and steaks but also from their starring role at countless outdoor family gatherings…
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U.S. Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise: How to Avoid This Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness

Lyme disease, a tick-borne illness that can cause rash, body aches and even temporary paralysis, has been growing in the United States. In the most recent year for which data is available, 27,444 cases of Lyme disease were reported compared to under 9,000 in 1993…
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12 Tips to Minimize Allergies
during Peak Allergy Season

Over half of Americans (more than 50 million people) are allergic to one or more allergens, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). And never is it more apparent than during the springtime, when seasonal allergies are likely to flare up…
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Diabetes and Your Oral Health:
Facts You Need to Know

Nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes, 6 million of whom have not yet been diagnosed. Another 57 million suffer from pre-diabetes, which often progresses to the full-blown disease, and many of these people are also unaware they have the condition…
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Dangers of Fat in Your Blood Vessels

We all have fat in our blood vessels to varying degrees. This buildup of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products and more is called plaque, and most often it’s associated with atherosclerosis, which typically refers to a buildup of plaque in and on the arteries that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart…
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Anti-Aging Benefits of Strengthening Your Cores

Do you run religiously on a treadmill for hours every week? Do you lift weights, too, and assume you’re covering all of your fitness basics? Well you’ve got a good start, but you’re missing out on a very important fitness staple that is a key to your health and longevity: building your core…
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How to Have Younger Looking Skin: 9 Key Natural Steps

George Orwell once said, “At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.” By that time the signs of life — food, sun, smiling, frowning — will certainly have either taken their toll on, or offered their protection to, your skin. Or will they? Well, your skin does age with you, a process known as the “internal aging process.” In terms of your skin this means that as you get older you’ll likely experience…
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Six Foods to Boost Your Libido

Most couples desire a healthy sex life, but to get there numerous aspects of your personal and interpersonal well-being must all come together, and this is not always easy to accomplish. Ideally, couples whose sex life is fulfilling…
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Secret Breakthrough in Addictions of Food, Smoking and Others

As we approach bathing suit weather, it’s also worth noting that some of the most common New Year’s resolutions centered around leading a healthier lifestyle and with that often comes the challenge of breaking addictive behaviors throughout the year. The addictions that top most New Year’s resolution lists are smoking and overeating, two habits that can cause detrimental health effects over time…
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Help for Hard-to-Treat Fungal Infections

Millions of people struggle with hard-to-treat fungal infections like thrush, athlete’s foot and vaginal yeast infections. Often, these infections are caused by Candida, a type of yeast that is also the most common human fungal pathogen…
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Medical False Positives: How Low Should Your Blood Pressure Go?

One in four U.S. adults suffers from high blood pressure, or hypertension, a condition that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. When your blood pressure is too high, it causes the tissue in your artery walls to stretch excessively, which creates weak spots and tiny tears that may lead to scarring…
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Six Ways to Avoid Getting Sick

A stuffy nose, sinus pressure, chills and sweats, aches and pains … nobody likes getting sick, and colds, flu and other nasty viruses going around. Is there anything you can do to help stave off germs and stay healthy? Fortunately, yes. The tips that follow will help you to avoid getting sick…
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8 Ways to Avoid The Top 5 Common Crippling Exercise Injuries

Regular workouts can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. They promote healthy blood sugar levels, improve your mood and energy levels, help control your weight, promote healthy bone density and more…
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Ways to Reduce Pain Naturally

Millions of Americans are impacted by pain in their daily lives. In fact, according to “Health United States,” released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics, one in four Americans have experienced a full day of pain in the last month — and one in 10 said the pain lasted for a year or more…
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Does Early Exposure to Food Allergens Increase Tolerance to Them?

Food allergies affect 1 percent to 2 percent of American adults, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI), along with about 6 percent of children under the age of 5. While their incidence in the United States has been on the rise for at least a decade, no one knows exactly why food allergies are becoming more and more common. Meanwhile, for those in this group just one crumb of an allergenic food can be deadly…
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The Seven Top Tips to Feel Full Faster so You Consume Less Calories

Have you ever had a day when your stomach felt like a bottomless pit and that no matter how much you ate, you just didn’t feel full or satisfied? What if there were ways to fill your stomach so that you would feel full faster, yet end up consuming fewer calories overall? Would you try them…
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Nine Less Common “Green Leafy Vegetables” Worth Trying

You hear it virtually everywhere these days: eat more green leafy vegetables. And with good reason; leafy greens are among the most nutritious of all vegetables, offering major benefits to your entire body, including your brain, your bones and your heart, while helping to prevent cancer, detoxify your body, boost your immune system and give your more energy…
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How Does the Way You Think Impact Your Health?

“Disease cannot live in a body that’s in a healthy emotional state,” at least, so says author Bob Proctor in the film, “The Secret.” “The Secret” — which was not being shown in theaters, but rather was spread through a viral, grassroots marketing campaign — discussed a centuries-old principle that has earned a “new-age” reputation…
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The Surprising Nutrition Content of 10 Very Common Foods

After gobbling up more than your fair share of a “bloomin’ onion,” devouring an entire jumbo tub of movie theater popcorn or wolfing down more than one bowl of pastel-colored marshmallow sugar-puff cereal, most people would rather not know what was really in it. The calories, the fat, the sodium … who really wants to know…
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Radon Essentials: What You Need to Know About Radon

Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon but it may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high…
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Coronary Microvascular Syndrome (CMS): The Hidden Heart Attack Risk They STILL Aren’t Checking For

As many as 3 million U.S. women may be unknowingly at risk of heart disease because they suffer from coronary microvascular syndrome (CMS), according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Women’s Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) study…
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Neck Pain Studies Show What Can Work
BETTER than Drugs and Painkillers

Neck pain is an all-too-common complaint heard in doctors’ offices, and while many patients expect to be given advice about over-the-counter medications or a prescription for a narcotic to relieve their symptoms, this may not be the most effective approach to treatment. The results of a new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine found that chiropractic adjustments or exercises are a safe and effective alternative for neck pain…
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The Vitamin D Deficiency Factor in: Diseases,
Cancer, Heart Disease, and Much More!

There is probably a reason you have never been told the straight truth about one of the most natural, potent, yet overlooked healing nutrients in the world. The fact is that many medical groups and product manufacturers have spent billions over the past 30 years convincing you to avoid this “nutrient” by trying (and succeeding) to scare you into thinking it causes cancer…
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Studies Reveal Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical
in Baby Formula and Drinking Water

Perchlorate, a chemical used in rocket fuel, explosives, and fireworks, has been found in public drinking water supplies and some foods, including baby formula. Exposure to the chemical is known to disrupt thyroid function, a gland that plays an important role in metabolism and produces hormones that help regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and the rate at which food is converted into energy…
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The Little-Known Dangers of Antibiotics
The Drug Companies DON’T Want
You To Know! How Is Antibiotic

The era of antibiotics, where deadly bacterial infections are knocked out completely in a matter of days, may be coming to an end soon, according to more than a handful of media headlines referring to a new paper in the Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal. However, all hope is not lost…
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Eating Raw: The Advantages and
Disadvantages According to Various Experts

A raw food movement has sweept across North America, advocating a diet of anywhere from 70 percent to 100 percent raw foods. Raw foodists claim that switching to a predominantly raw food diet will give you more energy, slow down aging, improve your skin, boost your mood, and fight a host of chronic diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease and even cancer…
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Aging Gracefully: Enjoy a Vital, Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age

More often than not, aging is viewed as something to be fought off for as long as possible. Regardless of how liberated we’ve become, many women and men still experience aging as a threat to their sense of self–worth and quality of life. It is pretty much expected that middle age will bring a “crisis” and far too often we hear seniors lament that “I thought these were supposed to be the golden years.” Whole industries are built on the attempt to stay young – from hair colors to face lifts to Viagra…
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America’s Consumption of Added Fats
and Sugars Continues: How to Avoid it

In the 35 years between 1970 and 2005, Americans began eating 63 percent more added fats and 19 percent more sugar and sweeteners. Also during this time, Americans got fatter…
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Tired all the Time? Is it Your Thyroid?
Eight Medical Issues to be Aware Of!

It’s estimated that 20 percent of Americans feel tired to the point that it interferes with their daily life. This type of overwhelming and chronic fatigue interferes with your ability to enjoy life and feel productive, but why does it happen…
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Stress Now Proven to Cause Weight Gain in
Women: Five Key Stress-Reduction Tips

Stress is as much a part of American culture as a cheeseburger and fries … and it can be just as risky to your health. Even if you aren’t facing any major troubles, just going about your daily routine — getting the kids ready for school, driving to the office, trying to hook up phone service, etc. – can expose you to loads of it…
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New Deadly SuperBug “C. Diff”: Health Warning!

You and most others are probably familiar with the deadly MRSA superbug that’s been spreading across U.S. communities like wildfire. What you likely didn’t know — until right now — is a potentially greater risk, a faster spreading deadly superbug referred to as “C. diff” or “c-diff” has emerged that killed more than twice the number of people than H1N1 Swine Flu last year…
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Honey Works as Good as Cough Syrup:
Four Beneficial Uses of Honey

Beekeepers have been raising bees to produce honey since at least 700 BC. Back then, this sweet, natural sweetener was a rarity used in religious ceremonies and for medicinal and cosmetic purposes…
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Artificial Colors: Is the “Secret Shame”
of the Food Industry Harming Your Children?

Artificial colors are among the most questionable food additives there are, yet despite their potential health risks they’re added to countless food products ranging from candy and soda to breakfast cereal and sausage…
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The Benefits and Risks of Saunas

Saunas are a popular attraction in hotels, spas and health clubs around the United States and world. Enthusiasts say there is little that can pamper your body and soul like a trip to the sauna, which is traditionally a wooden room infused with dry heat that can get as high as 185° F…
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Trans Fat’s Strong Link to Cancer, Diabetes
& Heart Disease, and How to Avoid It

Trans fatty acid, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, a process called hydrogenation. Many manufacturers use this process of hydrogenation because it reduces cost and increases the shelf life and flavor stability of their food…
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Napping…Is it Good for
You? Should You do It?

Giving in to a daytime catnap might have been frowned upon in the past, but now new research has put to bed previous nap naysayers. A new study has shown that a little daytime shuteye can actually provide health benefits…
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Misleading Label Dangers: How to
Choose High-Quality Supplements and
Avoid Cheap and Dangerous Imitations

National surveys indicate that half of Americans take some kind of dietary supplement, and if you’ve visited your local drug store (or even grocery store) recently you know that weeding out the good from the bad can seem like a nearly impossible feat…
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Can You “Catch” Obesity? Experts Weigh
in on the Theory That Obesity is Contagious

About one-third of U.S. adults, and 16 percent of children and teens, are currently obese, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And while it’s known that obesity increases your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and even cancer, what’s not entirely known are all of the causes…
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19 Cures for Hiccups, and
Which Hiccup Cures Work Best

Though hiccups are generally harmless and usually go away in a few minutes, they can be incredibly frustrating. No one knows exactly what brings them on, why they occur nor, to everyone’s chagrin, how to get rid of them…
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The Healing Power of Silence

Noise exists all around us, externally in the form of things like traffic, television, and cell phones, and internally in the form of constant thoughts. More and more, both mainstream and alternative experts are encouraging increased silence, both from outside and inside your mind, as a way to improve your health and well-being…
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Radon Essentials: What You
Need to Know About Radon

Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon but it may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today…
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Eating and Exercise: Should You Eat After Exercising? Before? How Long and What?

Many of us grew up with the strict advice to wait at least one hour after eating to go swimming – or else we’d be stricken with severe cramps and inevitably sink to the bottom. Eating a small snack about an hour before your workout may help give you energy, as long as it’s something high in carbs and low in fat (like a piece of fresh fruit and a mini whole-grain bagel). Now that we’re grown, many of us are still holding on to the notion that we shouldn’t eat anything before we exercise…
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The Healing and Strengthening Power of Touch

The power of touch is displayed perhaps no more poignantly than during the first few months of life. Babies who are not hugged and held during these first months will not thrive and grow like their cuddled peers. In fact, a study by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that infants who were held, snuggled and touched had better mental and motor skills than those who were not…
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9 Rapid Mind-Body Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, which originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions, is now a part of many Americans’ daily lives. Used for physical relaxation, psychological balance, and to improve health and well-being, studies show that varying techniques used during meditation offer very real, very significant benefits…
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Why is Your Body Toxic? How You Can
Easily Remove and Stop Absorbing Toxins!

Thanks to the industrial revolution, there are now more than 85,000 chemicals registered with the U.S. government, and about 1,000 new chemicals are added every year. These chemicals, it’s becoming increasingly clear, have found their way into the most pristine and isolated corners on Earth – even the snow atop the Andes Mountains is no longer pure…
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Soy: Is It Healthy or Not?
What the Experts Say

Soy is one of the most widely grown, and widely studied (over 5,000 research studies on soy exist) legumes in the world. Here in the United States, you are likely familiar with soy in the form of soymilk, soy burgers, soy ice cream and the myriad of other processed soy products that claim to be ultra healthy…
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The Risks of Neotame and How
You Can Curb Your Sweet Tooth

Neotame is a relatively new artificial sweetener that has yet to become a household name like aspartame (Nutrasweet), sucralose (Splenda) and saccharin (Sweet ‘n Low). This high-intensity sweetener was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002 as an artificial sweetener and flavor enhancer. It’s called high-intensity because it’s considerably sweeter than other sugar substitutes out there…
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LASIK Surgery: What are
the Risks vs the Benefits

Every year, 1.3 million Americans undergo LASIK surgery to correct their vision, and most have good results. In fact, only 2 percent to 3 percent of LASIK (which stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) patients have complications, according to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. But while the opportunity to see clearly without glasses or contacts is a tempting one, is it worth the potential risks that do exist?…
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5 Behaviors That Promote
Healthy Living Past Age 90

What does it take to live to be 100, or even 91? Ask a handful of centenarians, and you’re likely to get a handful of different answers. “Keep a smile on your face,” “No tobacco,” “Treat others how you want to be treated,” and “Drink a warm beer before bed,” are all words of longevity from people who have passed the 100-year point. In fact, this exclusive group of people who are over 100 are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, their numbers at 40,000 and growing strong…
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What Common Lifestyle Habit May Increase
Your Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer in U.S. men (lung cancer is the first), and about one in six men will be diagnosed with this disease during his lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Men who drink heavily may be twice as likely to be diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. In 2009 alone, over 192,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, and over 27,360 men died of the disease…
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Are There Dangers of
Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)?

For years grocery shoppers have been buying and eating genetically modified foods whether they knew it or not. At first even people who did know they were eating genetically modified food didn’t worry about it because they saw no reason to. But as more information from scientific studies has reached consumers, more people are beginning to wonder if some medical problems might be linked to the consumption of these foods…
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7 Ways to Cut Your Medical Costs

The salutation “Be Well” is easier said than done. We would all like to wake up with overflowing energy, a clear mind and a sunny disposition … invigorated and excited about what the day will unfold. But for many this scenario is fleeting or, worse, rarely attained. “Sick care” is expensive … fortunately, “wellness care” is not. But there is something important you should know…
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Seven Nutrients Americans are Most
Deficient In & How to Get Them

Eating healthy is on a lot of people’s minds these days, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has found that many Americans’ diets are still not up to par. The problem is not a lack of food, but rather a lack of nutritious foods that supply the vitamins and minerals our bodies depend on to function…
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6 Types of Very Common Toxic Bacteria

Thousands of different types of bacteria exist naturally in our environment. Some are necessary and quite healthy, like probiotics that support digestive health. Others, however, like the ones you’ll read about below, can cause serious disease…
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Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disease: How to Avoid Foods that are Harmful to Your Thyroid

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It releases hormones that control metabolism (how your body gets energy from the food you eat), and if this process becomes disrupted it can lead to weight gain or loss, heart disease, osteoporosis, infertility and, in rare cases, even coma and death…
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You Really Can Die From a Broken Heart

While the idea of dying from a broken heart may strike some as nothing more than folklore – Shakespearian even research has proven the reality of such an occurrence. When people encounter certain distressing situations, a flood of stress hormones are unleashed, taking a drastic toll on the heart and causing sudden life-threatening heart spasms in otherwise healthy people…
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The 11 Warning Signals Your Nails
are Sending You about Your Health

Many people put a lot of effort into keeping their nails perfectly trimmed, cleaned and manicured. If the nails aren’t perfect, the solution is often to cover them up with fake nails or polish. But ignoring such signs and viewing them as only an aesthetic problem could be dangerous to your health…
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Cancer Mistakes: Fixing Them
Before Effected or Fatal

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death around the globe. In the United States, men have just under a one in two chance of developing cancer in their lifetime, while women have a little more than one in three risk, according to the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) Cancer Facts & Figures 2009..
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Surprising Facts About Air Pollution
and How to Protect Yourself

Everyday you breathe in about 15,000 liters of air. If that air is polluted, the toxins are transported to all the organs in your body — not just your lungs. In fact, polluted air gets carried, via your bloodstream, from your lungs to your heart, liver, brain and other organ..
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Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

The number of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract greatly outnumber the cells in your body; your gut has 100 trillion microorganisms while you have about 10 trillion cells in your body! What this means is that the microflora in your gut is a powerful and compelling force in your body, one that may influence far more than how well your food gets digested…
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From “Free Range” to “Grass Fed:” What the
Popular Healthy Food Phrases Really Mean

Whether on a package of eggs in your grocery store or listed on a menu in your favorite restaurant, words like “free-range,” “grass-fed,” “natural,” and “organic” are everywhere these days. Most of these labels sound quite good and healthy, but what does it really mean when you order “wild game” or “pasture-raised” chicken…
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Oral Cancer is Easy to Miss:
Must-Know Facts That Could Save Your Life

Oral cancers can be easy to miss, as they usually begin as very small white or red spots or sores inside your mouth. It can affect your lips, tongue or the floor of your mouth, although the tongue is most common. Statistics show that around 25 to 30 percent of oral cancers are found in the tongue…
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How to Sleep Away the Pounds…

You know a sound night of sleep can do wonders for your energy levels, your appearance and even your outlook on life…but did you know it might also be instrumental in keeping you trim? Accumulating research is showing that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for your waistline…
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How Juices and Soda
Create Major Health Problems

Depending on what part of the United States you’re from you may call it soda, pop or a soft drink, but universally it can be referred to as the worst beverage choice you can make. You won’t get any nutritional value from this fizzy drink, but what you will get are caffeine, carbonation, simple sugars…
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Does Getting Older Make People Happier?

Many people do not look forward to getting older, and will instead do everything in their power, including resorting to plastic surgery, to escape the hands of time. But what if all our fears of aging are actually unfounded…
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Lack of Vitamin D in U.S. Kids Shocking

The majority of U.S. kids, about 70 percent in all, have low levels of vitamin D, according to data collected on more than 6,000 children ages 1-21. While too little vitamin D has long been linked to the bone disease rickets, researchers are finding that the vitamin impacts much more than just your bones, and low levels may increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and other illnesses later in life…
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Do Sports Drinks Really Work…
and are They Healthy?

We won’t mention any names, but one of the country’s leading sports drinks claims its “unique blend of fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrates has been shown time and again to be an optimal hydrator, keeping athletes at the top of their game”….
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At What Age is Exercise
No Longer Good for You?

When you hit your 20s it was easy to stay slim and active. By your 30s, you found time to make it to the gym but not as much as you would have liked between family, work and other responsibilities. In your 40s, you kept your gym membership but were far from a regular. By the time you reached your 50s, your workouts became more sporadic. In your 60s, you began to wonder … is this still worth it….
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The 7 (Honest) Facts You Should Know
About Losing Thigh Fat, Gut Fat,
and Fat in Other “Problem” Areas

That stubborn fat around hips, buttocks and thighs for women, and the belly and side “love handles” for men, is every dieter’s biggest adversary. It is the last 10 pounds to go, and it is always the hardest to lose. There are several theories why that stubborn fat is stored in different places for men and women. Some say it’s genetic….
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ALLERGIES: Serious Hidden Health
Risk for Obese Children

Sixteen percent of U.S. children and young adults aged 2 to 19 are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The percentage of overweight and obese kids has been growing steadily since the 1970s, to the extent that the CDC’s Healthy People initiative identified overweight and obesity as 1 of 10 leading health indicators and called for a reduction in the proportion of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese….
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Health Clues: Heart Concerns to Look For

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 26 percent of deaths each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Further, each year 785,000 Americans will have a first heart attack, while another 470,000 will have a second (or third, fourth, etc.) attack….
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Want to Improve Your Immune System? Then Here’s What You Need to Know about Flavonoids

For the first time ever, a study has proven that eating flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that’s especially concentrated in fruits and vegetables, may boost your immune system. How did the researchers come to this realization? By watching birds….
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Is Your Mood Adding Inches to Your Waistline?

Most of us are all too well aware that overeating, eating junk food and not exercising are sure to expand our belt buckles another notch. But weight gain is not always so cut and dry. Oftentimes you may carefully watch what you eat, load your plate full of fruits and veggies, even exercise regularly … and still not win the battle of the bulge…
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How Obesity and Overweight May be
Impacting Your Brain…Plus What You Can
do to Avoid This “Severe” Health Risk

Obesity has been called the “Great American Disease” because it now impacts 30 percent of U.S. adults (which amounts to over 60 million people). It is, however, a global disease that affects more than 300 million worldwide…
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AGE Issues: Why You Want to Reduce “Advanced Glycation End” Foods in Your Diet

When you eat too much sugar, your blood glucose becomes elevated, leading to a host of problems. Among them, the excess sugar in your bloodstream can react with proteins and lipids (fatty substances) in your body, leading to the formation of highly toxic Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs)…
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7 Ways to Trim Your Tummy…
And Why You Should…

Most people are now well aware of the health benefits of keeping their weight within a certain ideal range. This is conventionally measured by BMI, or body mass index, a standard for measuring your weight-to-height ratio. But here’s something you may not know…
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Got Milk Causing Cancer?
Which Milk May be Dangerous…

If you’re like most American families, you enjoy milk, cheese, ice cream and other dairy products on a regular basis. You probably perceive them to be healthy staples, full of calcium, protein and other nutrients to support your family’s health…
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Volatile Organic Compounds:
The Health Dangers of VOCs, Where
They are Hiding & How to Avoid Them

Products that you use in your home and office every day emit gases that can harm your health, both right away and after extended exposure. These gases are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and they’re emitted from a whole slew of items so much so that there’s a pretty good chance your new home, office, car – even that shiny new airplane you took your last business trip in – are literally bathing you in a chemical cocktail…
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Epigenetics and Your Child’s Teeth:
From Conception through Adulthood

With the development of modern technologies, parents these days have much more influence on the health of their unborn babies. Where just over 50 years ago, there were no ultrasounds and many mothers still drank and smoked regularly, our 21st century knowledge now allows us to have an inside look into everything from the types of ailments our children are predisposed to, to computer-generated images of what they’ll look like even before they are born…
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Papaya: The Delicious Powerhouse Fruit
that Can Help Prevent Heart Disease, Cancert

Papaya is a sweet, tropical fruit that originated in Central America. Today, though, its popularity has made it easily accessible throughout the United States (which, along with Mexico and Puerto Rico, is now one of the biggest commercial producers of the fruit)…
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Proanthocyanidins: Why this Tannin
Keeps Your Arteries Flexible and
Blood Pressure Low, and the Best

Proanthocyanidins, a polyphenols extracted from grape seeds, has scientists and nutrition buffs excited. Why? They are antioxidant powerhouse that also appears to provide major heart-healthy benefits…
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What Dangers Can Perfumes and
Other Fragrances Pose to Your Health?

We have all been there. You are in a movie theater, on an airplane or in some other closed quarters that, for whatever reason, you are required to remain in. Then in walks that man or woman wearing way too much of the strongest – and usually worst smelling – cologne or perfume. Of course, they usually sit right next to you…
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How to Prevent Alzheimer’s: The Most Effective Ways to Avoid this Rapidly Increasing Diseaseth

Alzheimer’s disease already affects 4.5 million Americans–more than twice the number that were affected in 1980–but that number is expected to grow significantly. By the year 2050, it’s estimated that 11.3 million to 16 million Americans may develop the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association…
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Too Much Sitting May Increase Your Risk
of Chronic Disease…and Premature Death

These days you likely hear a lot about sedentary lifestyles, and how this inactivity can lead to obesity and all of its related problems. But what you may not realize is that the word “sedentary” comes from the Latin word “sedere,” which means “to sit.”…
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What Your Tongue Says about Your Health

The tongue is an incredibly important muscle that helps you to chew and swallow food, taste (the average tongue has about 9,000 taste buds) and speak. When it’s healthy, your tongue should be slightly pink in color, moist, and fairly smooth. However, if your tongue is dry, coated, discolored or painful, it could indicate a problem…
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Is Your Liver Making You Fat?
How a Toxic Liver Seriously
Affects Your Weight and Health

Over the past 30 years, Americans have become more obsessed with finding a miracle cure for losing weight and increasing energy. The irony of this newfound preoccupation is that, even though we have more diet food and energy drinks than ever, the nation is, sadly, more obese, toxic and inactive than ever…
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U.S. Life Expectancy Reaches a New High

U.S. life expectancy has reached new heights of 78.8 years being the average “Mortality in the Unitied States”, according to a government report released by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
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The Six Hot Tub Health Risks
You Need to be Aware Of

Many people revel in the thought of soaking in a bubbly hot tub after a workout, while on vacation, or just for fun. Their numbers speak for their popularity: there are about 5 million public and private hot tubs, whirlpools and spas in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
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U.S. Life Expectancy Reaches a New High

U.S. life expectancy has reached new heights of 78.8 years being the average “Mortality in the Unitied States”, according to a government report released by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These findings indicate that U.S. life expectancy has increased by nearly 3 years in less than a decade…
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Is Your Home Toxic? Five Common
Health Dangers in Homes…and What to Do
About Them Preparing for Fall & Winter

Your home is your safe haven, but it may also be a Petri dish of sorts, growing, emitting and teeming with a variety of contaminants. These toxins can come from the environment, from the outdoors, from materials used to build your home and even from your tap water…
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Sea Vegetables: Why You Should Eat
More of This Delicious Asian Superfood

Sea vegetables, better known as seaweed, are the leafy greens of the sea. Though not technically a vegetable (they’re actually classified as algae), seaweed is loaded with nutrition and has a unique, slightly salty flavor that’s been a staple in Japanese cuisine for more than 10,000 years…
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The 7 (Honest) Facts You Should Know
About Losing Thigh Fat, Gut Fat,
and Fat in Other “Problem” Areas

That stubborn fat around hips, buttocks and thighs for women, and the belly and side “love handles” for men, is every dieter’s biggest adversary. It is the last 10 pounds to go, and it is always the hardest to lose…
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Lutein: Are You Getting Enough of
This “Anti-Aging” Antioxidant Powerhouse?

Lutein, a yellow-hued carotenoid (that’s also found in non-yellow foods), has been receiving much well-deserved attention as of late. This powerful antioxidant may help fight everything from cancer to aging, and it’s available in so many foods that there’s no excuse not to add it to your daily diet…
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How Adults (and Teenagers!)
Can Avoid Acne and Pimples

Acne is often thought of as one of the rites of passage of being a teenager — one that, fortunately, you get to grow out of. Yet, acne does not always disappear once you reach your 20s and beyond…
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Study Reveals “What’s Really
Causing Your Food Cravings”

As you prepare for the extra guests, the cheer and the extra large holiday meals, you’re probably thinking of ways to NOT put on more weight and how to lose those five to ten extra pounds you gained over the last winter holidays. Most people find it challenging to stick to a healthy diet and oftentimes exacerbating the challenge are insatiable food cravings…
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Climate Change Causing Increases
in Tick-Borne Diseases…What You
Need to Know Before Venturing

Dog ticks, which are mainly a threat during the spring into summer, do not usually bite people, but that appears to be changing. When the ticks are exposed to higher temperatures, such as may occur as the global climate warms, they appear to acquire a taste for human flesh, a change that could cause an increase in dangerous tick-borne diseases…
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Is Your Risk of Dying Increasing Due to Lack of an Essential Vitamin? Are You Getting Enough?

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin” your body produces after sufficient exposure to sunlight, has been making headlines recently for its newly revealed role in disease prevention among old and young alike. Now, a new study has found yet another reason why ensuring you’re getting enough of this crucial vitamin should be at the top of your to-do list…
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Simple Tips for Overcoming Urinary
Tract Infections Safely and Naturally

Up to 60 percent of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives. UTIs are one of the most common reasons why women visit their healthcare professionals and women are 10 times more likely to get a UTI than men…
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9 Causes of Fat Gain (Not One Being Food …)

Have you heard people say they just can’t lose weight even when they nearly starve themselves? Ever felt that way yourself? A large number of Americans struggle to lose weight every day, despite adhering to healthy diets and regular exercise programs. So what is really going on…
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All About Beets: Why They Can’t be
Beat for Your Health, Plus Tasty Recipes

The next time you visit your favorite European restaurant and your waitress asks you, “chicken dumpling or Borscht soup,” think twice before answering as you may be missing out on some tasty health benefits in a bowl – beets…
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Does Your Breath Smell Like Cancer?
5 Incredible Forms of Early Cancer Detection

Dectecting cancer in the early stages increases the survival rate of people diagnosed with cancer. Here are five unique, non-invasive ways of detecting cancer in its early stages…
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Smoke or Used to Smoke?
The Healthiest Foods to Prevent Lung Cancer
and Other Smoker’s Diseases

Nearly 21 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, and countless others have smoked at some point in their life. This habit continues to be the leading cause of preventable death in the country, causing about one out of every five deaths each year…
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20 Mood Foods and Clues to Boost Your Energy…and Improve Your Sex Life!

It’s no secret that food is intricately intertwined with your emotions. Eat a bowl of ice cream and it may make you happy; eat the whole carton and you’ll soon feel sad…
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Cadmium Poisoning, Which Can Harm
Your Kidneys and Reduce Your
Bone Density, Surprisingly High

There was both good and bad news in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) monumental “Third National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.” Good news first…
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Six Cancer Screenings That
Could Save Your Life

The American Cancer Society has estimated that 745,180 men and 692,000 women will have cancer this year in the United States. Of those cases, the most common are cancers of the skin, prostate cancer in men, breast and uterine-related cancers in women, lung, and colon and rectum — in both men and women…
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Divulged Important Reason Why You
Have an Appendix (Actually, It’s There
for a VERY Good Reason)

Your appendix is a 3-1/2 inch long finger-shaped pouch that extends from your large intestine, on the lower right side of your abdomen. For ages it has been thought that the appendix has no real purpose. In fact, even Charles Darwin said the appendix is a “vestigial organ,” or one that has become essentially useless over time – a concept that is still spouted in biology textbooks to this day…
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Does Access to Calorie
Information Make You Eat MORE

A national health care debate on reducing obesity* has resulted in mandatory postings of calories on some of the menus in fast-food chain restaurants. A recent study tracked what people ate at four popular fast-food restaurants — McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken – and found that customers consumed even more calories after they were posted on menus…
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5 Top Diabetes Myths, Busted!

There are many myths surrounding the medical condition diabetes, making it very difficult for people to decipher between the untruths and the facts. Some of the myths create a disturbing and scary picture of diabetes that lead to an overwhelming negative stigma underlined with false information…
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How Old are the Cells in Your Body
& Which Can and Can’t be Renewed?

You may have just celebrated your 30th, 50th, or 75th birthday, but the cells that make up your body are actually much younger than that. If you go by the numbers, your cells are, on average, around 10 years old, or less…
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Headache Causes: The 18 Most
Common Sources of Headaches and
What You Need to Know and Do

About 4 percent to 5 percent of U.S. adults suffer from chronic headaches, which may occur nearly every day, according to the Mayo Clinic. While an occasional headache is something that most people experience, frequent headaches can be a warning sign that something is amiss in your body…
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Seven Nutrients Americans are
Most Deficient In & How to Get Them

Eating healthy is on a lot of people’s minds these days, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has found that many Americans’ diets are still not up to par…
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10 Steps to Avoid Alzheimer’s,
the 6th Leading Cause of Death

Every 71 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Facts and Figures. While over 5 million people in the United States are already living with the disease, it’s estimated that 10 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s during their lifetime — and this number is expected to triple by 2050…
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The Top 15 Signs of Heart
Disease Everyone Needs to Know

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, which resulted in 29 percent of all U.S. deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than half (51 percent) of the people who died of heart disease in 2002 were women. Meanwhile, more than one-third (37 percent) of adults reportedly have two or more of the six risk factors for heart disease and stroke…
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Why are Kids Allergies on
the Rise? An Important Overview

Food allergies among children have risen more than 18 percent from 1997 to date, causing more than a few raised eyebrows among researchers and health officials. The first federal study of the issue found that one in 26 children now have food allergies, compared to one in 29 in 1997…
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Aspirin: What are the Real Benefits,
What are the Real Risks?

The first form of aspirin — today one of the most widely used drugs around — existed all the way back in the 5th century B.C., when the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used willow bark and leaves to relieve pain and reduce fever. It wasn’t until the 1820s, however, that scientists identified the active component in willow bark: salicin…
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Strong Obesity and Cancer
Link Now Absolutely Confirmed

Excess weight can now officially be added to the growing number of factors that contribute to cancer, according to the UK’s Million Women Study. The study, which included more than 1 million UK women, found that 5 percent of all cancers in the UK – or about 6,000 cases each year – are caused by being overweight or obese….
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Is the Junk-Food Gene Making You Crave Fattening Foods? Plus, How to Overcome It

Junk food, fast food, we know it’s all unhealthy, yet we still order takeout and frequent drive-throughs, sometimes several times a week. The top five reasons Americans eat junk food are convenience, availability, no time to cook, it’s quick and affordable — but at what cost to their health?…
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Why are Kids Allergies on
the Rise? An Important Overview

Food allergies among children have risen more than 18 percent from 1997 to date, causing more than a few raised eyebrows among researchers and health officials. The first federal study of the issue found that one in 26 children now have food allergies, compared to one in 29 in 1997…
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Choline Found in Eggs May Help Lower Heart Disease, Cancer & Dementia Risk

Choline is a B vitamin that has only within the past decade begun to receive attention. The body does make (small amounts) of choline on its own, but diet is a major source of the nutrient…
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Cholesterol Deceptions: From Eggs
to Statins, What Your Doctor Didn’t
Tell You About Cholesterol

Over 16 percent of U.S. adults have high cholesterol, defined as 240 mg/dL and above, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even the average level for Americans, 200 mg/dL, is borderline high, they say…
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Are You Unknowingly a Victim of
Unnecessary “Adrenal Fatigue”?

Do you feel constantly tired, moody and depressed? Do you wake up feeling tired even after a full night’s rest? Do you crave sugary and salty foods, and depend on your morning coffee just to keep your eyes open?…
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Prions: The Latest Research
on These Killer Proteins

Proteins are generally beneficial for the human body, but when they are transformed into prions, they become deadly. Prions, which are mutated or improperly folded proteins, were only recently discovered in 1982, and researchers were surprised to learn that these agents were infectious, like viruses, and capable of causing fatal brain diseases…
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The Seven Top Tips to Feel Full
Faster so You Consume Less Calories

Have you ever had a day when your stomach felt like a bottomless pit and that no matter how much you ate, you just didn’t feel full or satisfied? What if there were ways to fill your stomach so that you would feel full faster, yet end up consuming fewer calories overall? Would you try them?
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Tired all the Time?
Eight Medical Issues to be Aware Of

It’s estimated that 20 percent of Americans feel tired to the point that it interferes with their daily life. This type of overwhelming and chronic fatigue interferes with your ability to enjoy life and feel productive, but why does it happen…
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Does Fasting Contribute to a
Healthy Lifestyle or Not?

Fasting, or abstaining from some or all food and drink for a certain period of time, has been used for centuries among religious groups looking to gain a greater sense of spirituality…
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Are Your Vitamins Harmful to Your Health?
Synthetic Vitamins versus Natural Vitamins

Many doctors will attest that a daily vitamin intake is essential to a healthy lifestyle. However, not all vitamin supplements are created equal. The inexpensive supplement that you pick up in the grocery store aisle could be less helpful than you think, as many contain synthetic ingredients…
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The Five Healthiest Beverages You Can Drink
(Including Two You May Not Have Heard Of)

When you’re feeling parched and need to quench your thirst, the beverage you choose can make a big difference to your health. And while most of us know that soda and other sweet drinks are not the healthiest choices around, which beverages are truly health-promoting remains more of a mystery…
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How to be Optimistic, Even if Times are Tough

There are a variety of reasons why you should want to be optimistic. This positive state of mind has been verified as a successful strategy to prevent mental and physical illness, and people who practice optimism regularly do better at work, school and sports, are less depressed and have better personal relationships…
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The Amazing Cancer Prevention Health Benefits of Parsley, or, “Hey, I Shouldn’t Be JUST a Table Garnish!”

Parsley is an easy-to-use, incredibly flavorful, nutrition powerhouse, yet, it is often regarded as a “throw-away” garnish on dinner plates. Derived from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (because it’s related to celery), parsley has been cultivated for 2,000 years, and was used medicinally long before that…
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You Really Can Die From a Broken Heart

While the idea of dying from a broken heart may strike some as nothing more than folklore – Shakespearian even research has proven the reality of such an occurrence…
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The Remarkable Antioxidant Power of Cranberries – and Three No-Cost Cranberry Recipes

Gaining greater and greater popularity past the holiday season, cranberries have now gone well beyond their yearly appearance in Thanksgiving and other seasonal meals. Their tangy flavor and bright red color make them a favorite throughout the year…
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What Exactly is in Every Breath You Take? Pieces of Bugs, Stars and Much More

You take an average of 24,000 breaths every day. This amounts to about 2 gallons of air taken into your body every minute, and almost 3,000 gallons every day. While you may typically think of “air” as oxygen, this vital gas makes up only a small portion of the gaseous mix you inhale…
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The Number of Approved Meat Additives have Continued to be Expanded by the FDA -and None of the Additives Need to be on the Label

There are over 3,000 substances currently added to foods, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While some of these are common household items you likely use regularly (salt, baking soda, sugar, etc.) others are complex chemicals you’ve likely never heard of…
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Are Fruit Juices Good for You or Not? Opposing Views

Americans drink more than 2 billion gallons of fruit juice every year, and children under 12 are the largest group of juice consumers, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Most experts agree that whole fruit is better for you than fruit juice. In fact, by the time they’re 1 year old, about 90 percent of U.S. infants drink fruit juice…
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10 Studies on How Vitamin E Saves Your Life from the Inside Out

Most people have heard of vitamin E, and you probably also know that it acts as a powerful antioxidant in your body, helping to ward off free radical damage. What you may not know, however, is just how far-reaching this vitamin’s effect on your health may be…
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Why Your Face Ages, and How to Avoid Premature Aging

While your eyes may indeed be your window to the world, your face is like the world’s window to you. Just looking at a person’s face, you can easily identify whether they are happy or sad, tired or energetic … young or old…
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Is Your Home Toxic? Five Common Health Dangers in Homes.

Your home is your safe haven, but it may also be a Petri dish of sorts, growing, emitting and teeming with a variety of contaminants. These toxins can come from the environment, from the outdoors, from materials used to build your home and even from your tap water…
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10 Foods that Keep Your Arteries Clean

Your arteries are blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body. In order for this important process to occur, your arteries should be flexible, strong, elastic and clear of any deposits…
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Is Your Child Drinking Contaminated Water at School?

Children need access to healthy water to get through their school day, but the water at many U.S. schools may be far from healthy. Unsafe levels of lead, pesticides and dozens of other toxins have been found in thousands of schools across the United States, according to an Associated Press investigation…
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Anti-Aging Benefits of
Strengthening Your Core

Do you run religiously on a treadmill for hours every week? Do you lift weights, too, and assume you’re covering all of your fitness basics? Well you’ve got a good start, but you’re missing out on a very important fitness staple that is a key to your health and longevity: building your core…
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Perio-Cardio Diseases:
Top Causes and Prevention

When it comes to staying healthy, you might not have a regular dentist check-up high on your list of priorities, especially if you don’t have any pain or problems. But medical studies have shown that there is a definite connection between oral health and heart health, and poor dental health can cause other medical conditions as well…
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Are You Tired and Hungry All the Time…AND Gaining Weight Like Crazy?

Could You be Starving to Death Eating too Much, while Over Exhausted? What Might Really be Going On…plus 7 Foods that Help You Gain Energy…
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Why is Your Body Toxic? How You Can Easily Remove and Stop Absorbing Toxins!

Thanks to the industrial revolution, there are now more than 85,000 chemicals registered with the U.S. government, and about 1,000 new chemicals are added every year…
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Honey Works as Well as Cough Syrup: Four Beneficial Uses of Honey

Beekeepers have been raising bees to produce honey since at least 700 BC. Back then, this sweet, natural sweetener was a rarity used in religious ceremonies and for medicinal and cosmetic purposes…
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The False Truth About Fluoride: Why You Need to Know the Facts About Fluoride in Your Water Supply

For years the United States has supplemented its drinking water with fluoride after scientific experts praised it as a necessary precaution for keeping Americans’ teeth healthy…
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Five Diet Foods That are (Far) Worse Than What They’re Replacing

Millions of Americans resolved to lose weight and start eating healthy in 2008, which for many involves purging their pantry of fatty, sugar, salty snacks and replacing them with healthier diet foods…
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Secret Breakthrough in Food and Smoking Addiction

As the Holiday Season and the New Year approach, it’s worth noting that some of the most common New Year’s resolutions center around leading a healthier lifestyle and with that often comes the challenge of breaking addictive behaviors…
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Medical False Positives: How Low Should Your Blood Pressure Go?

One in four U.S. adults suffers from high blood pressure, or hypertension, a condition that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart attack or stroke…
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Your Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

What Common Lifestyle Habit May Increase Your Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer? Plus, 10 Steps to Reduce Your Risk…
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Stomach Pain? Here are the 9 Most Common Sources and What to Do

Stomach pain is incredibly common, impacting just about everyone at one point or another. Sometimes, such as if you’ve just eaten a giant bowl of spicy chili, the cause is obvious…
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How Obesity and Overweight May be Impacting Your Brain …
Plus What You Can do to Avoid This “Severe” Health Risk

Obesity has been called the “Great American Disease” because it now impacts 30 percent of U.S. adults (which amounts to over 60 million people). It is, however, a global disease that affects more than 300 million worldwide…
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Want to Dream Away Your Problems?

“Sleeping on it” has long been one of the best pieces of advice when faced with a difficult decision or a complex problem. A good night’s sleep has a way of helping us sort through our options and identify solutions that were invisible to us the day before…
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10 Riskiest Foods Revealed

Massive egg recalls in past years, prompted by thousands of cases of Salmonella poisoning, is now safely behind us, but there are still foods lurking in your supermarket that have the potential to make you sick…
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Inflammation: The Secret Leading Cause of Disease and What to Do About It

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to outside invaders it perceives as threats. Specifically, it’s a process in which your body’s white blood cells protect you from foreign substances such as…
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Good Stress vs. Bad Stress?

If there’s one feeling that most every adult has experienced, it has to be stress. About 40 percent of Americans say they deal with stress frequently, while 36 percent say they sometimes do, according to a Gallup poll…
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Research Reveals How Stress Can Kill

Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center have found a striking link between your nervous system and your immune system, revealing just how chronic stress may kill you…
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How Midlife Heart Disease, the #1 Killer, can be Avoided

It is the size of a clenched fist, beats approximately 72 times a minute and is one of the most important organs in your body it’s the human heart. But with incredible endurance and life-sustaining responsibilities comes the likelihood for breakdowns, ranging in…
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How to Lose Weight, Enhance Your Health and Find Well-Being by Nurturing Your Mind and Body

We all inherently know (but like to forget or choose to ignore) that losing weight is really more about simple mathematics than it is about adhering to the latest dietary craze…

The Top 10 Slimming Foods

You know how you can put on a couple of pounds by just looking at a cheeseburger and fries? Well, some foods have the opposite effect, helping you burn extra energy – and keep weight off – just by eating them…
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Hold the Copper: Accelerated Mental Decline and Other Risks of a Diet Too High in Copper

Copper is an essential trace mineral in the body, and is more abundant in humans than all but two other trace minerals (iron and zinc). Its primary role is to help enzymes function properly, which…
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Ageless Beauty: How to Sculpture Your Body Inside and Out With What You Consume, Think, and Do Daily

The anti-aging products market is expected to reach nearly $292 billion by 2015, a staggering amount of money that Americans keep dishing out in an effort to stay forever young. This is one market…
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If You Seek Emotional Health, There is No Greater Nourishment Than Forgiveness

Stress is responsible for 75 percent to 90 percent of Americans’ doctor visits, according to the American Institute for Stress. It is no mystery why this insidious…
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Common Prescription Drugs with Potentially Psychotic Side Effects: Which Ones are They

During a six-week span, four soldiers from Fort Bragg were accused of killing their wives. Three of them committed suicide. While the Army officials who investigated the cases said the killings were likely “due to…
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Panic Attacks: What Are They, How Do You Know You are Having One, How Risky Are They?

Panic Attacks: What Exactly Are They, How Do You Know You are Having One, What Should You Do?
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16 Interesting Facts About America’s Most Popular Fruit – Bananas

16 Interesting Facts About America’s Most Popular Fruit, Bananas Bananas are not only America’s #1 fruit, they may also have been the first fruit on earth, according to the International Banana Association, which notes that banana plants have been in cultivation since history…
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10 Top Foods to Help You Fight High Cholesterol

Close to 107 million U.S. adults have cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher, a level that the American Heart Association says increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. At least 12 million of these people are taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol levels, but there are more…
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High Cholesterol? 12 Top Non-Drug Strategies to Increase Your HDL Levels

Think you’ve heard it all when it comes to cholesterol? Well, even the most cholesterol-savvy among us may be in for a surprise … it turns out that perhaps the most important aspect has to do with making sure you…
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The Top 10 Causes of Eye Injuries…and How You Can Prevent Them

Each year, about 1 million eye injuries occur in the United States. In a 2005 “snapshot” of U.S. eye injuries, conducted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 88 percent of the reported injuries were…
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The 7 (Honest) Facts You
Should Know About Losing
Thigh Fat, Gut Fat, and
Fat in Other “Problem” Areas

That stubborn fat around hips, buttocks and thighs for women, and the belly and side “love handles” for men, is every dieter’s biggest adversary. It is the last 10 pounds to go, and it is always the hardest to lose…
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Does Early Exposure to Food Allergens
Increase Tolerance to Them?

Food allergies affect 1 percent to 2 percent of American adults, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI), along with about 6…
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Cadmium Poisoning, Which Can
Harm Your Kidneys and Reduce
Your Bone Density, Surprisingly High

Cadmium Poisoning, Which Can Harm Your Kidneys and Reduce Your Bone Density, Surprisingly High There was both good and bad news in the Centers for Disease Control and…
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Why 50% of U.S.
Population Has Allergies

50% of U.S. Population Has Allergies, Most Don’t
Realize It & Suffer Unnecessarily … Do You?
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11 Power Foods to
Boost Your Immunity

You wake up with a scratchy throat, body aches and an overall run-down feeling and immediately begin to think of ways to knock out whatever virus is looming so you can make it to work the next day or enjoy the upcoming weekend with your family…
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The Remarkable Anti-Toxin,
Cancer-Fighting Power of
Cruciferous Vegetables

While cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens and more –
may be top on the list of veggies kids loathe, when it comes to nutrition, these vegetables are definitely on…
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The Truth About Eggs: How to
Tell the Good From the Bad

Here we’ll dispel some of the myths about eggs
and help you to decipher what your egg labels
really mean … including how to choose the
highest quality eggs available…
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Warning: Diabetes, Liver, and Heart
Disease Linked to Everyday Plastics
What’s Your Exposure Level?!

BPA, a chemical widely used in plastic bottles and soda-can linings has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and liver problems…
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The Pros and Cons of Being a
Vegetarian: What the Experts Say

If you disagree with one or more portions of the following article, no matter which side you’re on to start, it’s likely we have done our job opening up this topic for…
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Good Fats to Feel Better Vs.
Fats Causing Depression and
Heart Disease

Many Americans are under the impression that “fats” is a four-letter word … a substance that must be shunned in your diet if you want to stay thin and avoid heart disease and other health issues. But this misguided…
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How to Overcome America’s Most
Overlooked Disease: Allergies

It’s true that home is where the heart is … but home is also the breeding ground for numerous indoor allergens that come in all colors and forms. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, one out of every five Americans suffers from some form of indoor or outdoor…
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Candida: How to Recognize and
Overcome Yeast Overgrowth (a
Surprisingly Common Chronic Illness)

Candida Albicans is a single-cell fungi that lives, often harmlessly, on your skin and in your intestines (and, women, in your vagina). However, as part of the family of yeasts, candida cells can multiply rapidly and if…
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14 Reasons to Breastfeed Your
Baby (Including Two Newly
Discovered, and MAJOR, Benefits
You Likely Haven’t Heard Before)

Studies have found the following benefits to breastfed infants: Breastfeeding is associated with a higher high school grade point average and an increase in the odds of attending college…
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Saliva Cancer Clues for
Prevention via Bio Markers

Cancer is a disease that causes abnormal cells in your body to divide uncontrollably and then invade the healthy tissues nearby. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of your body using your blood or lymph systems as their vehicles. There are numerous kinds of cancer…
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Is it Better to Exercise to Music?

If you are one of these 70 percent who are in need of a bit of extra motivation, working out with music may be just the ticket…
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Does Access to Calorie Information
Make You Eat MORE

Yet, after calories were posted on the menu boards of the popular restaurant chains, around 28 percent of the customers said that the calorie count information influenced what they chose from the menu, and 9 out of 10 of the customers said that they opted for healthier items…
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All About Absinthe: Its History,
Effects, Laws and More in Brief

Absinthe is traditionally prepared by pouring 1 ounce of the spirit into a glass, placing a slotted spoon over the top and slowly pouring ice cold water over it…
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Olives: How Healthy are
They? Which Olives are Best?

Olives are one of the oldest foods known to man, dating back some 8,000 years in the Mediterranean region. The olive tree was valued as a symbol of peace and happiness, while olives were used as food and a source of oil…
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Having Physical Pain?
8 Non-Drug Tactics to Eliminate
Back, Joint & Other Pain

For the majority of Americans, pain — either chronic or the kind that comes and goes — is a way of life. More than half of us suffer from physical pain, which means that if you were to stop someone randomly…
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Which Type of Bread is
Healthiest…and Which is

A new study set to be published in the British Journal of Nutrition has actually blown the theory that we should all be making our sandwiches and toast out of whole wheat to pieces…
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Gluten Intolerance? Are You
at Risk for Celiac Disease
or Already Have It?

Gluten intolerance, also known as celiac disease, is a genetic digestive disorder that is triggered by the consumption of any foods that contain gluten — a protein found in several common foods that contain…
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How to Heal Wounds including
Surgery Fast with Less Scarring

Wounds, whether due to injury or surgery, can exact a great toll on your quality of life if they do not heal quickly and completely. And, whether you realize it or not, there’s a lot more to wound healing than Band-Aids…
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The Antacid Epidemic

Every year, millions of Americans are prescribed strong antacids to treat common conditions such as heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis, indigestion among many others. Generic Prilosec, an antacid drug, was actually the sixth most-prescribed drug in the United States…
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Sea Vegetables: Why You
Should Eat More of This
Delicious Asian Superfood

Sea vegetables, better known as seaweed, are the leafy greens of the sea. Though not technically a vegetable (they’re actually classified as algae), seaweed is loaded with nutrition and has a unique, slightly salty…
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How to Become and
Well Plus Be Happy

A patient says to his doctor, “Doc, when I twist my head hard to the right, I get a sharp pain in the neck.” To which the doctor replies, “Then don’t twist your head hard to the right!”…
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Dreams Really Do Have
Meaning, New Study Reveals

Dreams unlock a world of imagery revealing your deepest fears, hidden secrets and outrageous fantasies, transferring them from the conscious to the unconscious world…
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Are Metals in Food
Your Child’s Behavior?

Metals and other elements in your child’s food could be contributing to aggressive or anti-social behavior in children, according to Neil Ward, professor of chemistry at the University of Surrey in the UK, and a lead researcher in the field…
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Six Foods that are
Surprisingly High in Toxins

Certain things automatically come to mind when you think of toxins in your food … bacteria like e.coli, additives, pesticides, and other contaminants like heavy metals would all certainly apply. But even if your food is completely natural, with no man-made components whatsoever…
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Death by Medicine: Seniors
to Kids, Drugs and Poisons

The American medical system may be the leading cause of death and injury in the United States, according to a 2003 review of medical peer-reviewed journals and government health statistics by Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND and colleagues…
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6 Life Changing Successful Habits

At some point everyone searches to make positive changes in their life. Whether they are health-related, success-oriented or simply to get more happiness out of life, it is a constant quest…
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Is Sitting Bad for Your Health…and Waistline? What the Surprising Research Reveals

As you read this, you’re probably sitting — a motion done by all of us countless times a day. We sit to eat, to work, to relax, to converse, to socialize … to engage in infinite moments of our lives…
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How to Have Younger
Skin: 9 Key Natural Steps

By that time the signs of life — food, sun, smiling, frowning — will certainly have either taken their toll on, or offered their protection to, your skin. Or will they…
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Misleading Label Dangers

National surveys indicate that half of Americans take some kind of dietary supplement, and if you’ve visited your local drug store (or even grocery store) recently you know that weeding out the good from the bad can seem like a nearly impossible feat…
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Colon Cancer: Natural Tips to Lower
Your Risk of This Common Cancer

There are about 150,000 new cases of colon cancer each year in the United States. Colon cancer is cancer of the inner lining of the colon. The colon makes up about 5 feet of the large intestine, connecting to about…
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9 Top Medication Mistakes
to Watch Out For

American adults take an average of over 11 prescription drugs every year. For those 65 and over, that rises to more than 31 a year. Even children aged 0-18 take nearly four medications annually, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation…
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EdibleFlowers: 20 of the
Tastiest and Most Versatile

Flowers have been used as a delicate food among many cultures for thousands of years. Romans commonly used violets in their dishes, Hispanic cultures ate stuffed squash blossoms, Asian Indians used rose petals, and the French liqueur Chartreuse contains carnation petals…
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How to Have Younger Looking Skin:
9 Key Natural Steps

By that time the signs of life — food, sun, smiling, frowning — will certainly have either taken their toll on, or offered their protection to, your skin. Or will they?…
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Misleading Label Dangers

National surveys indicate that half of Americans take some kind of dietary supplement, and if you’ve visited your local drug store (or even grocery store) recently you know that weeding out the good from the bad can seem like a nearly impossible feat…
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Colon Cancer: Natural Tips to Lower
Your Risk of This Common Cancer

There are about 150,000 new cases of colon cancer each year in the United States. Colon cancer is cancer of the inner lining of the colon. The colon makes up about 5 feet of the large intestine, connecting to about 6 inches of rectum…
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9 Top Medication Mistakes to Watch Out For

American adults take an average of over 11 prescription drugs every year. For those 65 and over, that rises to more than 31 a year. Even children aged 0-18 take nearly four medications annually, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation…
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Trans Fat’s Strong Link to Cancer, Diabetes & Heart Disease, and How to Avoid It

Trans fatty acid, also known as trans fat, is an artery-clogging fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, a process called hydrogenation. Many manufacturers use this process of hydrogenation because it reduces cost and increases the shelf life and flavor stability of their food…
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Does Eating Meat Increase Your Risk of Dying? What the Evidence Reveals…

Asking a meat lover to give up burgers and steaks is likely to evoke some powerful opposition, just as asking a vegetarian to sit down to a plate of meatballs would. Yet, increasing evidence appears to be confirming that eating a meat heavy diet may, indeed, be bad for your health…
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Ways to Be in Better Condition than when you were in Your Teens and 20s?

Your body is always in a state of change; you are either improving or declining your current state of health … and what you do and eat on a “daily basis” greatly influences your decline or improved health plus what quality of life you will have in the future…
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Why You NEED to Understand Oxidative Stress — and How to Avoid It

Oxidative stress is now recognized as a leading cause of chronic disease and aging. It occurs when free radicals – toxic oxygen molecules produced by normal body processes but also via external sources like stress and pollution – spiral out of control…
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Memory Loss Epidemic

As you get older and find yourself misplacing your glasses, forgetting the phone number of a good friend or experiencing a hazy recall of what you did the past weekend, you get those pangs of sudden panic…
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New Deadly SuperBug “C. Diff”: Health Warning!

You and most others are probably familiar with the deadly MRSA superbug that’s been spreading across U.S. communites like wildfire. What you likely didn’t know is a potentially greater risk…
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Heart Health: Nutrition Vs. Drugs and Surgery

Heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, takes the lives of about 2,500 Americans each day. This killer disease is so prevalent…
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Aspirin: What are the Real Benefits, What are the Real Risks?

The first form of aspirin — today one of the most widely used drugs around — existed all the way back in the 5th century B.C., when the father of…
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Tired all the Time? Eight Medical Issues to be to Aware Of!

Countless emotional and physical problems can contribute to feelings of tiredness, but often fatigue is the result of taxing lifestyle habits such as: Not…
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Top 10 Worst Foods and 10 Healthier Alternatives

Quite simply, you really are what you eat, but the standard American diet leaves plenty of nutrients lacking while giving you an excess of unhealthy…
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Chlorine: The Dangers of This Common Chemical, and How You are Being Exposed

Chlorine is one of the most commonly manufactured chemicals in the United States. In gas form, chlorine is poisonous and was actually used…
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The Remarkable Antioxidant Power of Cranberries – and Three No-Cost Cranberry Recipes

Gaining greater and greater popularity past the holiday season, cranberries have now gone well…
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Simple Methods to Prevent
Age-Related Weight Gain

Sometime between the ages of 40 and 50, both men and women tend to have increased difficulty staying…
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Newly Discovered Air Pollutants
Damage Lungs Like Cigarette
What Can You Do?

Sadly, air pollution is now a widespread problem in the United States…
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High Levels of Cancer-Causing Chlorine Pollutants Found in U.S. Water Supplies

Chlorine is regularly used to disinfect public drinking water…
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The Two Types of Fat – Visceral
and Subcutaneous – and Which
Poses the Greatest Risk to You

The Two Types of Fat – Visceral and Subcutaneous and Which Poses the Greatest Risk to You It’s the…
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Snow Atop the Andes
Mountains No Longer Pure

Traces of toxic PCBs have made their way to one of the ‘purest’ places on Earth: the top of the Andes mountains…
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Six Foods to Boost Your Libido,
Plus Four Other Surprising Sex Facts

Most couples desire a healthy sex life, but to get there numerous aspects of your personal and interpersonal well-being must all come together, and this is not always easy to accomplish…
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Four Common but Toxic Chemicals
to Avoid During Pregnancy,
Pre-Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Studies show that babies are exposed to hundreds of potentially toxic chemicals while in the womb…
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Study Shows “Toxic PAH’s” Air Pollution
Leads to Genetic Changes and
Asthma – Starting in the Womb

Women who live in heavy traffic areas such as the Northern Manhattan and South Bronx areas of New York City, could give birth to children with an increased risk of asthma due to toxic PAH’s (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)…
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Stress Now Proven to Cause Weight Gain
Women: Five Key Stress-Reduction Tips

Stress is as much a part of American culture as a cheeseburger and fries, and it can be just as risky to your health…
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Eight Key Nutrients to Help Prevent
Breast Cancer – and Where to Find Them

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the U.S., accounting for one in three of all women cancer cases diagnosed…
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Artificial Colors: Is the “Secret Shame”
of the Food Industry Harming Your Children?

Artificial colors are among the most questionable food additives there are, yet despite their potential health risks they’re added to countless food products ranging from candy and soda to breakfast cereal and sausage…
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Why Babies Are Being Born Toxic….and What Does This Mean “NOW” for YOU and Your Family?

Babies are exposed to an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants while still in the womb….
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Who’s Controlling You? Are You Getting Fat, Sick and Broke from Sellers’ Subliminal Injections.

Have you ever had buyer’s remorse…after buying something that you never needed and never used but never returned? For instance, after using a prescription drug, have you later learned it was making people sick with a different or worse illness, side effects or disease…
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High Levels of Cancer-Causing Chlorine Pollutants Found in U.S. Water Supplies.

Chlorine is regularly used to disinfect public drinking water supplies, a measure public health officials stress is necessary to keep the water safe from various water-borne diseases. Yet, during the chlorination process toxic disinfection byproducts are created, many of which linger in the water you drink…
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Soy: Is It Healthy or Not? What the Experts Say.

Here in the United States, you are likely familiar with soy in the form of soymilk, soy burgers, soy ice cream and the myriad of other processed soy products…
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What are the Best and
Worst Cooking Oils for You?

In general, any highly processed vegetable oil is not the best choice for a healthy diet.
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Is the Junk-Food Gene Making
You Crave Fattening Foods?

Well, a study released by the New England Journal of Medicine reported that children with a specific gene variant were more likely to eat more energy-dense food, meaning fattening unhealthy foods…
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The Seven Top Tips to Feel Full
Faster so You Consume Less Calories

Have you ever had a day when your stomach felt like a bottomless pit and that no matter how much you ate, you just didn’t feel full or satisfied? What if there were ways to fill your stomach so that you would feel full faster, yet end up consuming fewer calories…
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Sprouts: Why They are Among the Healthiest Foods You Can Eat

Sprouts are tiny, baby plants that are just beginning their journey into the familiar veggies we know. Yet, at this stage the sprout is packed with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more…
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LASIK Surgery: What are the Risks vs the Benefits

Every year, 1.3 million Americans undergo LASIK surgery to correct their vision, and most have good results. In fact, only 2 percent to 3 percent of LASIK (which stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) patients have complications…
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Six Nuts You May Not Have Heard of
but Whose Nutrition & Taste You’ll Love

Nuts are quite possibly the “perfect” food: full of nutrition, satisfying and portable. Grabbing a small handful of nuts requires little effort on your part, yet their protein will keep you going strong, and their healthy monounsaturated fats are good for your heart…
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Taming Your Sweet Tooth:
Why it isn’t So Sweet to You

That craving you have for sugar might be harmless if it happens once in a blue moon. But more and more health experts are examining America’s obsession with sugar, our growing waistlines and our deteriorating health, and are suggesting that we might even be sugar addicts…
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“Metabolic Syndrome” – the Symptoms,
Causes and Solutions

Over 50 million Americans have a cluster of symptoms known as “metabolic syndrome,” and even more are at risk of this increasingly common disease. You may have metabolic syndrome, which is also known as Syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome, and dysmetabolic syndrome…
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Simple Tips for Overcoming Urinary
Tract Infections Safely and Naturally

Up to 60 percent of women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives. UTIs are one of the most common reasons why women visit their healthcare professionals and women are 10 times more likely to get a UTI than men…
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Surprising Facts About Air Pollution
and How to Protect Yourself

Everyday you breathe in about 15,000 liters of air. If that air is polluted, the toxins are transported to all the organs in your body, not just your lungs. In fact, polluted air gets carried via your bloodstream, from lungs to heart, liver, brain and…
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Is Your Trouble Losing Weight
Due to Food Allergies?

The prevalence of obese and overweight individuals has dramatically increased in the United States in the last 20 years. In every U.S. state, at least 20 percent of residents are obese, and in 36 states that percentage rises to 25…..
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Divulged Important Reason
Why You Have an Appendix
(Actually, It’s There for a VERY Good Reason)

Your appendix is a 3-1/2 inch long finger-shaped pouch that extends from your large intestine, on the lower right side of your abdomen. For ages it has been thought that the appendix has no real purpose….
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How Old are the Cells in Your Body &
Which Can and Can’t be Renewed?

You may have just celebrated your 30th, 50th, or 75th birthday, but the cells that make up your body are actually much younger than that. If you go by the numbers, your cells are, on average, around 10 years old, or less…
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America’s Consumption of Added
and Sugars Continues: How to Avoid it

In the 35 years between 1970 and 2005, Americans began eating 63 percent more added fats and 19 percent more sugar and sweeteners. Also during this time, Americans got fatter…
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Tomatoes: Interesting Facts Every
Tomato Lover Needs to Know

Americans eat an average of 80 pounds of tomatoes — each — every year, but there is still a lot you probably never knew about the familiar, humble tomato. For starters, tomato in French, pomme d’amour, means “love apple,” because the heart-shaped fruit was regarded as an aphrodisiac…
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Marijuana: Proven Drawbacks on Your Child’s Body

As the most commonly used Federal illegal drug in the U.S., the health effects of marijuana are easily a public health concern. Over 40% of Americans over the age of 12 (or nearly 98 million people) have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetimes….
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How Old are the Cells in Your Body and
Which Can and Can’t be Renewed?

You may have just celebrated your 30th, 50th, or 75th birthday, but the cells that make up your body are actually much younger than that. If you go by the numbers, your cells are, on average, around 10 years old, or less.
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If You Avoid Eating Glucose
You May Actually Live Longer

Glucose, a type of sugar that your body uses for energy,
may be the key to living a long life – if you avoid it, that is…
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Refined Food Risks: Why They’re Like Trying to Keep a Bonfire Going with Toilet Paper.

You’ve heard the advice: eat fewer refined foods like white
bread and white sugar. But what exactly are refined foods,
and what makes them so taboo…
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Are There Dangers of Genetically
Modified Foods (GMOs)?

For years grocery shoppers have been buying and eating genetically modified foods whether they knew it or not. At first even people who did know they were eating genetically modified food didn’t worry about it because they saw no reason to…
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Honey Works as Good as Cough Syrup:
Four Beneficial Uses of Honey.

Beekeepers have been raising bees to produce honey
since at least 700 BC. Back then, this sweet, natural
sweetener was a rarity used in religious ceremonies and
for medicinal and cosmetic purposes…
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14 Things to do if You Feel Tired
and Sore After Working Out

You’ve pushed yourself to the limit – jogging, lifting, dancing or any exercise you do – and have no sooner wiped the sweat from your brow when it hits you: sore muscles and fatigue…
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