New Treatment Options For Celiac Disease and
Wheat Sensitivity and a word about Peanuts.

Celiac disease, also referred to as gluten sensitive enteropathy, wheat sensitivity, celiac sprue is a condition that is known to affect 1 in every 133 people. My personal observations lead me to believe that number is probably somewhat higher. It is believed to be an inherited disease, and upon ingestion of gluten containing foods a multitude of symptoms can develop. Gluten containing foods are wheat, barley, and rye. There has been a great deal of research with oats, and current research indicates that oats do not have the reactive peptide sequence which would normally create a problem for a gluten intolerant person. Despite these findings, oats still appears to be problematic for most gluten intolerant people and it is generally recommended to avoid oats.

To develop celiac disease you must not only have inherited the gene and ingest gluten containing foods, but you must have the gene triggered. Triggers can include extreme stress, infections and illnesses, and trauma such as surgery, childbirth, and accidents. Therefore, one might have the gene for celiac disease but it is not yet triggered. On the flip side, one might have an active gene for celiac disease, and I am suggesting contrary to all other literature, that the gene can be put into a dormant state and that many with celiac disease can eat gluten containing foods without any noted symptoms.

Gluten is in such a wide variety of foods, such as pastas, breads and bread crumbs, many cereals, cookies, cakes, pretzels and numerous snack foods. Because it is in bread, that would obviously mean no sandwiches, pizza, wraps or foods that are breaded. This diet is particularly hard on children as well as for some adults.

Symptoms of gluten sensitivity can be quite severe and the most obvious affects are abdominal bloating and diarrhea, alternating with constipation. This can be easily misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. Due to the damage to the small intestine from the gluten, the intestinal villi shorten and flatten. A malabsorbtion syndrome can develop creating anemia and many other nutritional deficiencies, including early osteoporosis. There are many symptoms that can develop that are not intestinal in nature. These include fatigue, muscle spasms, arthritis, bone pain, fibromyalgia, irritability, depression, headaches, numbness of hands and other nerve problems, concentration problems, and seizures. Due to its toxic affects it can be an underlying trigger to chronic candida and lower ones resistance to other chronic conditions such as Epstein-Barr virus.

Another major symptom that can develop from the ingestion of gluten is a skin condition called dermatitis herpetiformis. This creates raised patches of the skin which are pimple like and can turn into small watery blisters. They can become extremely itchy and can create a burning pain.

Diagnosis of celiac disease is usually done through a blood panel. The blood tests are a very good diagnostic tool, and sufficient for most, but in some instances may miss diagnosing the condition. The absolute diagnosis is through a small intestine biopsy, typically performed by a gastroenterologist. Damaged villi in the small intestine will be observed and with celiac disease the patient will see significant improvement with a gluten free diet.

All literature pertaining to celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis states that the only way to treat the condition is absolute avoidance of gluten containing foods. I am suggesting that there are bio-energetic techniques that can desensitize and neutralize the reaction to gluten and therefore eliminate symptoms that one would typically get from the ingestion of gluten containing foods. Bioset is a technique developed by Dr. Ellen Cutler who is also the author of the book “The Food Allergy Cure”. The technique involves holding the substance that you are reactive to, or a specially prepared vial containing the same vibrational frequency of the allergen. Areas of the spine are stimulated while holding the substance, and the electromagnetic repulsion to that allergen is eliminated. A chemical or enzymatic change occurs neutralizing the immune mediators and interrupting the allergen or antigen-antibody complex reaction.

I first became aware of this technique when a patient who was living in another state returned to live on Long Island and came back as a patient. He told me that he used to have severe grass allergies and is now completely able to mow his lawn with absolutely no allergy symptoms to the grass at all. He was very impressed and enthusiastic about the technique and this prompted me to gain expertise in this type of treatment. I have seen enormous success with this technique and have many patients who no longer have any reactions to wheat. What we don’t know at this point is, if the symptoms are gone does that mean the affect of the intestinal villi is normalized. The only way to know is to have a repeat intestinal biopsy at the time that all symptoms from wheat are gone. Whether the effect of the villi is altered or not, if the symptoms from wheat are gone, and unless an obvious malabsorbtion syndrome is involved, it should be safe to reintroduce wheat to the diet. This, of course can be discussed with your gastroenterologist.

The people that respond the fastest, are those that feel completely well when they eliminate wheat. These people typically need four to six treatments. For those that have a host of other symptoms even when refraining from gluten, treatment can be more involved due to the fact that the reaction to wheat may not only be the gluten sensitivity but also an activation of pathogens from the ingestion of wheat. Either way, patience will lead to a change.

This treatment can be used to attempt to eliminate any type of allergen, including peanuts. Peanut allergies can be fatal and there are instances where an allergic individual can unknowingly come in contact with peanuts. There can even be exposure when sitting on a plane and the people around or near you are eating peanuts. The peanut molecules become airborne and are easily breathed in which can lead to a serious allergic reaction. Treatment for these people would be to neutralize or minimize a reaction from an unknown or unwilling exposure. It is not necessarily to tell you to eat all the peanuts you want. Although eating peanuts again may be entirely possible, we would insist that you be allergy tested for peanuts by your allergist to determine if in fact the allergy to peanuts has been eliminated.

This approach is a completely unique and exciting way to altering ones reaction to foods and environmental substances. The success rate is extremely high and the patients are grateful for the changes that have been made to their body.

Dr. Silverman is a chiropractor and state certified nutritionist who has been in practice for 20 years. He has taught college level courses in holistic health and nutrition and has appeared on many TV and radio shows including the Gary Null show and News 12. He has lectured and consulted for several homeopathic and nutritional companies and has two offices, one in Hauppauge (631-724-6780) and one in Roslyn (516-484- 0776.)

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